Coding style

From: Victor Kirhenshtein <victor_at_DOMAIN_REMOVED>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 10:16:30 +0200

Hi all!

Below is proposed coding style:

1. Each word in function name should start with capital letter. No
underscores. For exaple: CreateNewUser. Underscores allowed in parameter
handlers, which can start with "H_" prefix, like this: H_FreeDiskSpace.

2. Indentation offset: 3

3. Opening { should be placed on next line without indentation, like

if (a < b)

4. Operators and operands should be separated by spaces, like below:

a = x + 20 / (y - z);
5. Function arguments should be separated by spaces, like below:
z = function(p1, p2, p3);
6. One-line comments should be placed with the same indentation level as
code, like this:
c = xxx();
if (a)
   // comment
7. Brackets after for and while operators may or may not be separated by
spaces (I prefer not to separate them, but it's not a big problem IMHO).
8. Variable names preferrably should start with type specifier. For
example, DWORD variable "index" should be called "dwIndex". Below is a
common type prefixes:
dw - DWORD
i - int
n - long
qw - QWORD
d - double
t - time_t
sz - String (TCHAR [])
psz - Pointer to string (TCHAR *)
p - Generic pointer
p<data type> - Pointer to variable of type <data type> (like DWORD
If variable is of custom type, it can have no prefix, and it's name
should start with small letter. For example:
struct stat fileStat;
9. It is recommended to use typedefs as a replacement for some system
data types:
WORD - unsigned short
DWORD - unsigned long
INT64 - instead of system's 64 bit signed integer
QWORD - instread of system's 64 bit unsigned integer
Received on Mon Feb 14 2005 - 10:16:30 EET

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