Active discovery

Started by fj89j, August 30, 2013, 02:21:22 PM

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Is there a way to view what the active discovery is doing and how far it has got so far?

If for example, I want to discover everything on the range, I get nothing. Nothing is picked up and discovered at all. I have the active discovery interval set to 7200 at the moment.

Also, let's say that the active discovery kicks off, after 7200 seconds when it's meant to kick off again, will the old job be cancelled?

I know the networks that I want to add are there, it's just too much to do manually. I can scan these networks in a few minutes with Nmap and get thousands of hosts back.

Any help appreciated.


Victor Kirhenshtein


Currently the only way is to turn on debug on server (level 5 or higher) and check server's log. We have a feature request for that ( and eventually it will be implemented.

Best regards,


Thanks Victor, I'll check that out!