Agent PDH.CounterValue

Started by pzandvoort, December 18, 2010, 07:10:11 AM

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I'm trying to pull the total number of hits on a web site through an agent. I think I've tried just about every variation, but I just can't make it work! This seems so simple....

Shouldn't it just be:
1) Add a new DCI to my server
2) Pick "Agent" as the source
3) Select "PDH.CounterValue(*)" as the parameter
4) Enter "\Web Service(<instancename>)\Total Method Requests" as the parameter

I feel like I'm missing something really simple....
Help? Please?


Victor Kirhenshtein


Counter name must be enclosed in quotes, like this:

PDH.CounterValue("\Web Service(Microsoft Dynamics CRM)\Total Method Requests")

because counter name contains brackets, and without quotes agent cannot parse parameter correctly.

Best regards,