Templates EXPORT/IMPORT, ...

Started by sodalist, June 19, 2008, 09:35:08 AM

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When someone configures template, now has no practical way
to share it with others. By enabling exporting DCI(s),
configured in template, rightclick on Template, export,
a comunity sharing templates could be established.

This could also be useful:
- when establishing multiple netxms servers
- hand edit of exported file (xml ?)

Import would be done by creating empty Templat and Importing
exported file to it.

thank you,


Victor Kirhenshtein

Currently it's possible via "management packs". In console, select Tools -> Create management pack, and add templates you wish to export. You will get .nxmp file with templates and related custom events if necessary. On other system, select Tools -> Import management pack and you will have all templates and events from it created.

Btw, if you have templates which may be useful for others, you can post them on the forum.

Best regards,


Some problems noticed when using management pack function:

- "\" character in parameter names/description gets duplicated at import
- templates with "." or " " character in their names can not be imported
- "REPEAT_INTERVAL=-1;" parameter is not supported
- win32 console V0.2.22, when creating management pack you can not browse
  for File name destination. Full path with filename must be typed.

All issues are minor and can be avoided, adjusting template names prior
export or editing export file prior import.


Victor Kirhenshtein

Thanks for reporting, I'll fix it.

Best regards,