How to detect node down

Started by mulder, August 18, 2010, 10:46:03 AM

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Hi folks,

There would be a monitored node having multiple interfaces.
And only an interface communicating with NetXMS would be down then the node would lose communication with NetXMS server.
Would NetXMS detect the node down in that case? Or just an interface down?
Are the results same if the node has netxms agentd or not?


Victor Kirhenshtein


If NetXMS cannot communicate with the node, it consider node as down. It is not possible to distinguish between situations when only interface communicating with NetXMS server or entire node is down, if other interfaces are not reachable by NetXMS server. However, if they are reachable at least by ICMP ping, server will correctly detect that only interface is down. There are other possible scenarios to distinguish between those two cases, but they are dependent on your actual network topology.

Best regards,


Hi Victor,

Thank you so much for your clarification  :)
