NetXMS Support Forum

English Support => General Support => Topic started by: testos on May 13, 2009, 12:30:44 PM

Title: Auto bind and auto apply script
Post by: testos on May 13, 2009, 12:30:44 PM
Hello again.

I am trying to prove automatic template application and automatic node binding to containers based on filters (node name begins with "FG100A") and do not work none of these filters:

Quotesub main()
return left($1,6) = "FG100A" ? 1 : 0;

Quotesub main()
return left($node,6) = "FG100A" ? 1 : 0;

Quotesub main()
return left($node,6) = "FG100A" ? $node : 0;

What is wrong?
Thanks in advanced
Title: Re: Auto bind and auto apply script
Post by: Victor Kirhenshtein on May 13, 2009, 02:57:12 PM

You should use == for compare operation. = is an assignment operation.

For example:

a = 1

means "assign value 1 to variable a"


a == 1

means "test if variable's value is 1".

Second error is that $node variable is an object, and you need to compare it's name attribute. To access it, use


And compare always returns 1 or 0, so you can omit ? 1 : 0 part and simply use

left($node->name,6) == "FG100A"

So, correct script will looks like

sub main()
   return left($node->name, 6) == "FG100A";

Best regards,
Title: Re: Auto bind and auto apply script
Post by: testos on May 14, 2009, 12:42:13 PM
Ok. Thanks for the explanation.  ;)
Now it complete auto bind/apply. But it takes a few minutes. Is there any parameter in server configuration that I can setting to make it faster?

Quote...$node variable is an object, and you need to compare it's name attribute.

What other attributes for $node object? Some other usefull objects->attributes for auto bind/apply operations?

Best regards.
Title: Re: Auto bind and auto apply script
Post by: Victor Kirhenshtein on June 13, 2009, 03:51:33 PM

Auto bind/apply occurs during configuration polls. You can force configuration poll for specific node from console (via Poll -> Configuration menu), or decrease interval between configuration polls by changing server's parameter ConfigurationPollingInterval.

Attributes of node object:

nameNode name
idObject identifier
statusNode status (0 = Normal, 1 = Warning, 2 = Minor, 3 = Major, 4 = Critical, 5 = Unknown, 6 = Unmanaged)
ipAddrNode primary IP address (as text string, like
isAgentAgent presense flag: 1 if NetXMS agent present on node, 0 if not
isSNMPSNMP support flag: 1 if SNMP is supported by node, 0 if not
isBridgeBridge flag: 1 if node is bridge or switch, 0 if not
isRouterIP router flag: 1 if node is Ip router (can forward IP packets), 0 if not
isPrinterPrinter flag: 1 if node detected to be a network printer, 0 if not
isCDPCDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) support flag: 1 node supports CDP, 0 if not
isSONMPSONMP (SynOptics Network Management Protocol) support flag: 1 node supports SONMP, 0 if not
isLLDPLLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) support flag: 1 node supports LLDP, 0 if not
snmpVersionSNMP version used for communication with node's SNMP agent
snmpOIDSNMP object ID
agentVersionNetXMS agent version (as string, like 0.2.26)
platformNamePlatform name, as returned by NetXMS agent (for example, windows-i386)

Best regards,
Title: Re: Auto bind and auto apply script
Post by: possamai on October 29, 2010, 01:41:25 PM
is this scripting stuff documented somewhere? Because I can't find it..
i'm trying to figure out how it works, but it's tough to find resources about auto bind filters etc. etc.
Title: Re: Auto bind and auto apply script
Post by: Victor Kirhenshtein on November 02, 2010, 10:18:03 AM

There are documentation chapter about scripting language itself, and reference for all functions. However, writing transformation and filtering script are not covered. I'll try to add additional information on this topic to documentation.

Best regards,