Server Config Params

Started by roby, July 28, 2008, 03:03:17 PM

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There is a server configuration parameter meaning doc ? How can i know service and ping check intervals ? How can i control notification based on service fail event ?

Thank you


if your question will be more concrete, you'll recieve responce more quikly.

(this is not server parameters, it's a DCI parameters)


If I understand, there are DCI specific Parameters and global server parameters. If nothing is configured for DCI (like polling intervals), server parameters will be applied. Many DCI params does not seem to exist. ex: Service created for a resource (like http request), does not have own polling and event notification, at least as I know. How can I set http service polling interval and notification event ? I setted www service, but when there is a problem no notification is sent. If I set polling interval in DCI as default, what is default value ? what is default value for simple system control (ie: ping to network routes without snmp or agent installed) ? However, I think will be very usefull a doc on server parameters.

I hope my question be fairly concrete.
Thank you.


i will try to explain: if you create a DCI, u must create Events, Actions and Event Processing Policy items too...

for example: if you created DCI "Check HTTP at" you must create at least two Events, one- with Severity "Normal" and another - with Severity "Warning" (like this: HTTP_OK and HTTP_NOK (not OK) ).

Example of HTTP request:

Parameter: ServiceCheck.HTTP(,80,/test.php,,"^HTTP/1\.[01] 200.*")
Origin: NetXMS Agent
Data Type: Integer

(Info: u must use this regexp for search for NEGATIVE situation! not for POSITIVE!)

This type of request can return 4 statements (u can found it all at Forum by Search):

0 – request saccesfuly complited
1 – bad arguments
2 – unable to connect
3 – bad response (requested at regexp info not found at server's response)

At Trasholds list of DCI u must specify two states:

For Problem found:
equal = 0
event = HTTP_NOK

For Problem resolved:
equal = 3
event = HTTP_OK

Now you can create a Action, called "Send E-mail". You can specify a recipient (it can be a one address or mailing list).

And finally, create 2 Event Processing items: for processing HTTP_OK and HTTP_NOK.

You can found this information at Users manual.
I only try point to path for you...

=) Hope it help.