Calculated DCI with Multiple OIDs

Started by terry, May 13, 2008, 05:18:41 AM

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I have a question how can I calculate DCI with Multiple OIDs.

ifInOctets  -->  .
ifSpeed  -->  .

I wnat to calculate the belows;

((ifInOctets) * 8 / ifSpeed) * 100

Could you le me know how can I make the script code?

Best Regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein


First, you should create DCI for ifSpeed. Let's assume that it's description will be "Interface speed" (without quotes). After that, create DCI for ifInOctets, and create transformation script for it:

(($1 * 8) / GetDCIValue($node, FindDCIByDescription($node, "Interface speed"))) * 100

If you will use different DCI description for ifSpeed parameter, change call to FindDCIByDescription accordingly.

You can also take a look at the following topic:,292.msg1495.html#msg1495

Best regards,


Thanks so much.

It was good for me.

Best Regards,
- Terry