Nodes lost after NetXMS restart

Started by rockpenguin, December 15, 2008, 03:56:07 AM

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I recently installed 0.2.23.  I previously had 0.2.22 installed, but instead of an upgrade I did a clean install (deleted DB, deleted old install directory, did fresh configure/make/make install in 0.2.23 source directory).

The problem I am having is that nodes disappear after NetXMS restart.

After a little bit of investigation, it seems that nothing ever gets written to the NODES table.  Even after I add nodes via the console app, the NODES table remains empty.  The other tables seem to survive the restart (actions, event log, etc.).

I ran NXDBMGR and this was the result:

root@ladybug:~# /opt/netxms/bin/nxdbmgr check
NetXMS Database Manager Version 0.2.23

Configuration file OK
Checking database:
* Checking node objects...                                              [PASSED]
* Checking interface objects...                                         [PASSED]
* Checking network service objects...                                   [PASSED]
* Checking cluster objects...                                           [PASSED]
Template 10 [@System.Agent] mapped to non-existent node 25. Correct? (Y/N) y
Template 10 [@System.Agent] mapped to non-existent node 28. Correct? (Y/N) y
Template 10 [@System.Agent] mapped to non-existent node 34. Correct? (Y/N) y
* Checking template to node mapping...                                  [FIXED ]
* Checking object properties...                                         [PASSED]
* Checking event processing policy...                                   [PASSED]
* Checking collected data...                                            [PASSED]
3 errors was found, 3 errors was corrected
All errors in database was fixed
Commit changes (Y/N) y
Committing changes...
Changes was successfully committed to database
Database check completed

Looking in the server log, I see a lot of failed queries such as:

[14-Dec-2008 20:38:07] Log file opened
[14-Dec-2008 20:38:07] Platform subagent "/opt/netxms/lib/" successfully loaded
[14-Dec-2008 20:38:07] Database driver "/opt/netxms/lib/" loaded and initialized successfully
[14-Dec-2008 20:38:08] Inconsistent database: interface 14 linked to non-existing node 12
[14-Dec-2008 20:38:08] Failed to load interface object with id 14 from database
[14-Dec-2008 20:38:08] Inconsistent database: interface 16 linked to non-existing node 15
[14-Dec-2008 20:38:08] Failed to load interface object with id 16 from database
[14-Dec-2008 20:38:08] Listening for SNMP traps on UDP socket
[14-Dec-2008 20:38:08] Listening for client connections on TCP socket
[14-Dec-2008 20:38:08] NetXMS Server started
[14-Dec-2008 20:39:08] SQL query failed (Query = "INSERT INTO nodes (id,primary_ip,node_flags,snmp_version,community,status_poll_type,agent_port,auth_method,secret,snmp_oid,proxy_node,node_type,agent_version,platform_name,uname,poller_node_id,zone_guid,snmp_proxy,required_polls,use_ifxtable) VALUES (17,'',16,0,'public',0,4700,0,'#00','',0,0,'#00','#00','#00',0,0,0,0,0)"): Unknown column 'use_ifxtable' in 'field list'
[14-Dec-2008 20:40:08] SQL query failed (Query = "INSERT INTO nodes (id,primary_ip,node_flags,snmp_version,community,status_poll_type,agent_port,auth_method,secret,snmp_oid,proxy_node,node_type,agent_version,platform_name,uname,poller_node_id,zone_guid,snmp_proxy,required_polls,use_ifxtable) VALUES (17,'',16777232,0,'public',0,4700,0,'#00','',0,0,'#00','#00','#00',0,0,0,0,0)"): Unknown column 'use_ifxtable' in 'field list'
[14-Dec-2008 20:44:08] SQL query failed (Query = "INSERT INTO nodes (id,primary_ip,node_flags,snmp_version,community,status_poll_type,agent_port,auth_method,secret,snmp_oid,proxy_node,node_type,agent_version,platform_name,uname,poller_node_id,zone_guid,snmp_proxy,required_polls,use_ifxtable) VALUES (19,'',16777218,0,'public',0,4700,2,'password','',0,0,'0.2.23','Linux-i686','Linux box106 2.6.24-16-server #231 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:58:00 UTC 2008 i686',0,0,0,0,0)"): Unknown column 'use_ifxtable' in 'field list'
[14-Dec-2008 20:45:08] SQL query failed (Query = "INSERT INTO nodes (id,primary_ip,node_flags,snmp_version,community,status_poll_type,agent_port,auth_method,secret,snmp_oid,proxy_node,node_type,agent_version,platform_name,uname,poller_node_id,zone_guid,snmp_proxy,required_polls,use_ifxtable) VALUES (19,'',16777218,0,'public',0,4700,2,'password','',0,0,'0.2.23','Linux-i686','Linux box106 2.6.24-16-server #231 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:58:00 UTC 2008 i686',0,0,0,0,0)"): Unknown column 'use_ifxtable' in 'field list'

So it's like the initial data structure isn't getting created correctly.  Short of completely wiping the box, I have started from scratch twice with the same results.  Here is my configure line:

./configure --prefix=/opt/netxms --with-server --with-mysql --with-agent --with-openssl --with-nxhttpd

I am using MySQL 5 on Ubuntu 8.04 server.  Please let me know if there is anything else I can post regarding this issue.




The same issue in fresh Windows Server 2008 x64 installation. On node creation in System event log on NetXMS server writes follow events:
Log Name:      System
Source:        NetXMSCore
Date:          2008.12.15. 9:14:39
Event ID:      43
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
SQL query failed (Query = "INSERT INTO nodes (id,primary_ip,node_flags,snmp_version,community,status_poll_type,agent_port,auth_method,secret,snmp_oid,proxy_node,node_type,agent_version,platform_name,uname,poller_node_id,zone_guid,snmp_proxy,required_polls,use_ifxtable) VALUES (80,'',0,0,'public',0,4700,0,'#00','',0,0,'#00','#00','#00',0,0,0,0,0)"): Unknown column 'use_ifxtable' in 'field list'

SQL: MySQL 5.1.30-community
Server: NetXMS v.0.2.23 (netxms-0.2.23.exe)
Agent: nxagent-0.2.23-x64.exe


So, I found workaround. Just incert new column in table:
ALTER TABLE `netxms`.`nodes` ADD COLUMN `use_ifxtable` INTEGER NOT NULL AFTER `uname`;

But, I think it's a bug in latest release...

Victor Kirhenshtein

Yes, it's a bug - column use_ifxtable missing from schema. This bug affects only fresh installs, not upgrades from 0.2.22. We will publish new release with this bug fixed today.

Best regards,
