Clearing Threshold column / Re-Alerting

Started by Tursiops, July 28, 2016, 06:53:48 AM

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We are using events to send emails to another system which parses the emails based on a number of rules and puts it all into a ticketing system.
As we are setting up rules, we sometimes find that some alerts are not parsed or ticketed properly. That's obviously not a NetXMS problem. :)

However, I'd like to be able to "force" an alert to be resent. When I try to just resolve the alert (we tend to sticky acknowledge them to avoid being spammed while we look at things) and then terminate it, the system will still not send a new alert out. I would have thought that when an alert is terminated where the underlying condition has not actually changed, that a new alert would be triggered. But that does not seem to be the case.

I can clear the collected data for the DCI in question, but the "Threshold" column will still show me the threshold that was triggered originally. And when new data comes in that still matches that, it doesn't change nor does it send another alert. Is there any way to "clear" that Threshold column for an individual DCI to ensure a new alert goes out?

Any ideas?



thresholds have the repeat event option, so the event will be generated and parsed again and all of your actions should be triggered again.


You can also configure a global "ThresholdRepeatInterval" in Server Configuration.

Value is in seconds.


Thanks for pointing this out. I used the global setting, as all DCIs were already configured to use the "Default", which appears to be 0, i.e. never repeat.
Does this also apply to alarms triggered by table thresholds, which do not seem to have a configurable repeat event option?

Victor Kirhenshtein

Repeat events for table thresholds not implemented yet.

Best regards,