Cluster - DCI in Dashboard

Started by jdl, December 12, 2012, 04:49:41 PM

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Hi all,

I have to monitor some service / statistics (DCI) on a cluster which is composed of at least 2 nodes. In the Management console, it is clear how to create the cluster and the two (or more) nodes. The I have created the DCI on the cluster object (not the node) and assigned them to the virtual resource (active on the master). I see all DCI being replicated on each node with the ones on the master node being the only ones active and collected. So far, so good.

Now, in the Dashboard, I want to graph (line chart) the DCI related to the service. How do we do this? When i'm at the point where I have to select the data source for the graph, the cluster object does not provide any DCI, only the child nodes do. Do we have to select the DCI(s) on all nodes composing the cluster? In this case the legend shows twice each DCI...

I was expecting the defined DCI would be listed under the Cluster object and would report - when selected - the value collected by the node owning the virtual instance.

Could you, please, clarify where am I wrong? How shall I configure my system to perform as expected?

Currently, the DCI script reported '0' when running on the slave instance (where the service does not run) and 'real value' when running on the master instance (where service is active). When a fail-over takes place, I expect the 'real value' to be the one on the new master (former slave)...


Victor Kirhenshtein


Real data only collected for the nodes. Cluster object is more like special type of template regarding to data collection. Currently you can only add DCIs from the nodes to dashboard. I agree that having possibility to add to the graph "virtual" DCI mapped to the real DCI on active cluster node is useful. I create feature request for that:

Best regards,


Many Thanks Victor.
I'm looking forward to get this new feature.

Best regards,