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"Dashboard" Tab for Node

Started by cbwecomm, June 08, 2023, 06:02:44 AM

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I see where dashboards can be created globally, but I'm not seeing similar functionality for a Node.   The "Overview" sort of serves this function, but as best I can tell, the Overview tab is not editable, and doesn't display graphs, and you can't rearrange anything that is on it in a way that would best display information (to us). 

I've tried to put data that I've polled via SNMP into the Performance tab, but I think the Performance tab only shows graphs?? (I was able to display txt/string values in a Dashboard via a gauge). 

I guess I was thinking that I could build dashboards within a template (or reference a dashboard that I had created as a template) and then have that dashboard available for each Node. 

Or, is there a way to automatically generate Dashboards for every Node, and then filter and group Dashboards?

Sorry I'm very new at this so my thoughts may not be clear or correct on any of this, and sadly, my scripting/programming skills are pretty limited unless I see examples or something similar (or two similar examples I can mash together).


Filipp Sudanov

There is context dashboard functionality, added quite recently, somewhere in 4.x. It could be that it could be improved to be simpler to use, comments are welcome.

If you open data sources of dashboard element, there is button "Add template". There you can specify how to choose what DCI to display - by metric name or description.

The second step is to apply dashboard to a node. This could be done either by auto-apply script in dashboard properties, or manually in properties of a node.


Thank you Filipp!  I will research those settings and options and see if they address what I'm looking for.   Overall, absolutely love NetXMS; it's just a lot to pick up and wrap my head on all at once.   I can certainly provide any feedback, and I'll post back here with any more related questions.   Very much appreciate your time and help, and attendance to the support forum (this is so rare for open source products!!!). 


Ok, this is definitely looking like I'm headed in the right direction (so far).  I've found the section you mentioned, created a simple context aware template dashboard, and applied it via filter.  

The problem I'm having... I see no way on the node to open the dashboard.  Doesn't seem to be a "tab" for it at the top.  Can't seem to find it in any of the menus, etc.  
For information though, I'm attempting (as much as possible) to use the "new" Client interface... so I realized that this may not be available yet here?    (although, step 1 is

I did find it in the older client, although it seems to be rather "hard" to get to.   I'd love to see a way to add this as a tab (or, better yet, add it as a tab and have that tab be the default rather than overview?)

I'm going to keep playing around... I'm loving this!  :-)


I found how to add this as a tab, AND make it the default.   I'm pretty sure you all have thought of everything... I just need to figure out how to use it all!  hahaha :-)

In the Dashboard's Properties > Object Context:   Check the box for "Show this Dashboard in Object Context" and set the Display Priority to 1


I'm still trying to find the "direct" access of the dashboard like in the old client (right click on node, go to "Dashboards" and then select the dashboard... However, now that I can add it as a tab (and make it the default), this isn't nearly as much of a problem.   :-)

Filipp Sudanov

Right, I forgot about that checkbox. Actually, it's not strictly necessary, without it you can still open the dashboard from "Dashboard" menu on a node (we will rename this checkbox somehow to demonstrate that it just opens dashboard in a tab by default).