NetXMS polling packets log

Started by jnavarro, October 03, 2014, 01:43:12 PM

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Hi everyone,
I am new to NetXMS but, with the help of the manuals, I've managed to make miracles  8)

I currently have a hardware problem with a network switch. Basically, as soon as I try to add the switch to NetXMS, the switch goes nuts and reboots. The switch, then, works again once I remove its IP Address from NetXMS.

I am using NetXMS for Windows.

The manufacturer asked me to send him the NetXMS polling packets.

Can someone please guide me on how I can send him the polling packets log?

For your info, it's a D-Link DGS 1210-24, Rev. D with the latest firmware version. For those who have the same hardware, I am in contact with D-Link to fix the issue.

Thanks in advance.

Victor Kirhenshtein


the only option is to use tcpdump or WireSHark (depending on OS you are running server on). For tcpdump it could be like this:

tcpdump -s 65535 -w <file> udp and host <switch_ip> and port 161

all SNMP packets to and from switch should be in file you specify in -w option.

Best regards,