Change interface expected state // Bulk Edit for serveral devices

Started by bjet, April 02, 2013, 03:56:53 PM

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is there a way to bulk edit the expected interface state for a selected range of devices?

it's possible to change all interfaces of a singular device at once - we're running 100+ switches in the network with 10000+ ports and we would like to the expected interface state to IGNORE... it's quite time intensive to do this switch by switch... ;-)

thank's a lot &
best regards


Hi Lukas,

thank's a lot for this hit - it works as expeced and saved a lot of time :-)

best regards



I am trying to to do exactly the same thing but how do I add a script to a template ?
Moreover, can I apply such template based on Infastructure so it affects only desired objects?

I am trying to get started with managing alot of switches and trying to come up with quick way to monitor only trunc ports and ignore all others in a handpicked heap of switches (wel it is logical net subgroup, but still want to keep the possibility of not including an object based on it being placed in the Infrastructure or not).

I am sure selecting/excluding port 49-50 to set its expected status UP is not a big deal afterwards. I just need to get started somehow with the script two posts above.