Agent can be used as a proxy to reach remote SNMP devices

Started by samy, February 02, 2012, 05:00:36 PM

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Hello Gang,

I hope of your here can provide an answer to my concern.  I have a netxms agent configured with SNMP Proxy mode on, but I don't see any tool set to request information from it ?

As of right now, my configuration is Server (configured with SNMP Proxy) and I want to reach a switch over the same network.  I poll all of the information using nxget, works very well.. but there is no tool-set like nxget that would enable me to connect via the server and request information from the switch ?

All your help is much appreciated.

Victor Kirhenshtein


Yes, there are no command line tools for accessing SNMP devices via proxy. This functionality is intended for server to remote device communications. I never though that somebody will want to do this from command line :) It is possible to modify nxsnmpget/nxsnmpwalk tools to work via proxy agent. I'll add it to the list of feature requests, but I cannot promise exact version when it will be implemented.

Best regards,
