error loading database driver

Started by menozzisara, November 25, 2010, 04:20:48 PM

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hello every one!
I have installed netxms on windows XP on Virtualbox.
when I start the installation everything works perfectly until the end of the installation where I get the error: "error loading database driver".
I have postgreSQL 9.0.1

what is the problem?



Victor Kirhenshtein


Are you using PostgreSQL client installed separately or bundled with NetXMS server? Database driver built against PostgreSQL client library version 8.4.1, and it may be incompatible with 9.0.1 client.

Best regards,


Thank you very much for your help.
I have installed postgresql 8.4.5 and now everything is working correctly!




I have tried to install NetXMS server 1.1.3 x64 (netxms-1.1.3-x64.exe) on Windows 7 Professional x64 under VMWare 7.1.4. As database server I have used the same postgreSQL 9 (postgresql-9.0.4-1-windows_x64.exe). As resault I receive the similar message "error loading database driver".
But if I tried to install NetXMS server 1.1.3 x32 (netxms-1.1.3.exe) with PostrgeSQL 9 x32 - driver has no problems. Server is installed, initialized and works. Works not fine, but it's an another troubles.
My question is: in x32 and x64 NetXMS server 1.1.3 are used different versions of the driver postgreSQL? Or in what my troubles?

Victor Kirhenshtein


Unfortunately PostgreSQL driver is missing in x64 installer - it's a build bug. You should wait for 1.1.4 release, or I can put driver binary on web site if you need it now.

Best regards,


It will be good, if You put driver on the web! I have more questions for testing at now :-)

Victor Kirhenshtein

64-bit PostgreSQL driver available at It is build against PostgreSQL client 9.0.4-1, which should be installed separately.

Best regards,


I tried to install this driver manually: during installing process I check driver "PostgreSQL" for installation and copy it manually into folder "C:\NetXMS\bin\"... And again I get the same message "Error loading database driver" :-(((
Into configuration file ("C:\NetXMS\etc\netxmsd.conf") as "DBDriver" specified "pgsql.ddr".

Victor Kirhenshtein

Could you please run from command line in C:\NetXMS\bin

netxmsd.exe -D 9


nxdbmgr.exe check

You should get additional information about reason.

Best regards,


After many different checking are found some else missed elements: libintl.dll and libpq.dll.
I also manually added it into directory "C:\NetXMS\bin\", after that NetXMS server was successfully installed and configured. But now service "NetXMS Core" was not started automatically. Sorry, all Ok :-)
I have run from command line both recommended programs. Both of them get successful results: "nxdbmgr" passed of all tests ("Database doesn't contain any errors" and "Database check completed") and "netxmsd" successfully started NetXMS server ("NetXMS Server V1.1.3 Ready").
P.S. After installing x32 version folder "C:\NetXMS\bin\" consist 72 files, but x64 version consist 65 files. During installations I have check "PostgreSQL client library" and uncheck all other.