Scheduled Tasks - Execute on Template Group

Started by anw, August 09, 2016, 06:42:47 PM

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im trying to execute a simple script every 10 minutes on my Switches .. but i cant seem to apply it to a group.. it never works , but if i choose one specific switch, it works fine?
What am i doing wrong here? or any suggestion how this can be done?
i tried ExecuteGroup  Templates.. specific template.. entere network... infrastructure services... nothing seems to work?

i dont want to add scripts for all 200 switches ? and have to change all the time if i add a switch..?



You need to retrieve the nodes from the container/template when running a script over it.


children = GetObjectChildren($object);

foreach (child : children) {
  // watch out, a child can be a node, or another container, or rack, etc.


ok thanks!  i got it working now  - but not on templates directly - but on containers which i created under infrastructure service instead. this works perfect.

Would be nice to get it working on template folders directly - do you know how?

thanks and best regards

Victor Kirhenshtein

It will need changes in server code - currently template objects are not exposed to NXSL.

Best regards,