Network discovery does not work

Started by crusader, October 17, 2014, 09:20:37 PM

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I had a problem with the initialization of my SQLite DB during the time the SQLite didn't work 100% my network discovery did work and I had a lot of IPs and systems listed. I've deleted the old database and reinitalized it and after that reactivated the network discovery. But since then a whole day has went by and nothing happend.
How do I trigger or enable the network discovery or find out why it does not work as expected.

Thank you in advance.


Is there some way how I can find out why the network discovery does not work?
I've set the
DicoveryPollingInterval = 100
ActiveDiscoveryInteval = 7200
ActiveNetworkDiscovery = 1

Do I have to set anything else. Did I miss to activate a service?