How long will LLDP-data be stored/cached on a node?

Started by Dani@M3T, June 17, 2014, 03:00:44 PM

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We changed the connection between two LLDP-capable switches:

First Switch1-Port7 connected to Switch2-Port1,
Then we changed to Switch1-Port2 connected to Switch2-Port8.

Now in [Object Details] - [Interfaces] of node Switch1 I can see Switch2 connected to Port 2 AND 7. the same MAC and the same IP-Addresse and Peer Discovery on both interfaces = LLDP. The same on Switch2.
When I look at [Tools] - [Info] - [Topology Table (LLDP)] there is only the new connection.

Is there something like a Lease Time for LLDP information?

Victor Kirhenshtein

Topology information updated during topology polls (every 15 minutes by default). You can also do manual topology poll via Poll -> Topology menu on node. If incorrect link information stays more than topology polling interval then it's a bug.

Best regards,


I know and I tried that before (topology polls). But the old link information stays on both switches for ever. So it's maybe a bug.


I also encounter this issue, looks like a bug. What i do as a workaround, is to delete the node and re-add it and the run a topology discovery poll.


This bug ist still existing in V1.2.15. Our Peer Node information (LLDP) are still not updated.


will this be fixed in V1.2.16? I can't delete all affected nodes.

Victor Kirhenshtein


supposedly I've found the problem. I've made necessary changes in 1.2.16. Please let me know if your problem will be solved after upgrade.

Best regards,


I still encounter the problem, the old link still stays on the interface even i run a network poll on both switch (previously connected but not connected anymore). I deleted one switch and re-add then run the topology poll the link is gone.


I still see the same error too. The same as I described in my first post. Which information do you need for further troubleshooting? I also see a lot of SYS_IF_PEER_CHANGED events from different nodes but nothing has changed in topology.


Any news in this case. Or do you need more information or tests?


This bug generates a lot of SYS_IF_PEER_CHANGED events on every topology poll (every 15min).
Beside the out-dated LLDP topology information I also see out-dated FDB information.

Victor Kirhenshtein


I was able to reproduce this problem on my system and found the bug causing it. I'll fix it till next release.

Best regards,


Hi Victor

Thank you. So I await the next release


