I am getting server ssl error?

Started by tanero, November 18, 2022, 07:52:24 AM

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I use netxms version, 4.2.432-1 on debian 11 server.  After upgrading to the latest version, the following error started to appear.

What could be the reason for the following error?

Status of DCI 0x0000185F (Internal: Server.Certificate.ExpirationIn) changed to UNSUPPORTED


It seems after upgrade the server, a new sensor was added automaticly by policy from the template
to the netxms server.  At this stage, I have disabled this control and prevented it from giving an error, but which ssl is this sensor controlling?


Victor Kirhenshtein


most likely server does not have certificate. If this is the case than you can safely ignore this error, or delete problematic DCI.

Best regards,