Cannot get device identity via EtherNet/IP (CONNECT FAILED)

Started by Dbil1099, November 16, 2020, 07:57:39 PM

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As of NetXMS 3.2, polling now includes "EtherNet/IP".
When I poll a windows server, I get a failure on this poll.  I can set the properties of a single server to
"Disable usage of EtherNet/IP for all polls".

My question is "How to I either fix this so it works OR disable it by default for all my windows servers?"

I am now using 3.5.90

Here is a log of how the error looks.

[16.11.2020 09:19:11] **** Poll request sent to server ****
[16.11.2020 09:19:11] Poll request accepted
[16.11.2020 09:19:11] Starting configuration poll for node Barnet.dmz
[16.11.2020 09:19:11] Checking node's capabilities...
[16.11.2020 09:19:11]    Checking NetXMS agent...
[16.11.2020 09:19:11]    NetXMS agent is active
[16.11.2020 09:19:11]    Reading list of available Windows Performance Counters...
[16.11.2020 09:19:11]    164 counters read
[16.11.2020 09:19:11]    Checking EtherNet/IP...
[16.11.2020 09:19:12]    Cannot get device identity via EtherNet/IP (CONNECT FAILED)
[16.11.2020 09:19:12] Capability check finished

I have already added tried looking at the log file by adding to the Agent Config file for one of the servers to include
DebugLevel = 7

The log does not include any additional errors as compared to when I have manually configured disabling this poll on the monitored server.

Thanks in advance.

Alex Kirhenshtein

Add to configuration pool hook (Scripting Liibrary -> Hook::ConfigurationPoll):



Hi Alex,

This works fine.

It gets applied once the NetXMS agent on the target server is restarted.



Alex Kirhenshtein

This hook is executed on every configuration poll (by default it's once an hour)