String length cut at 255 Characters

Started by hewa6254, January 15, 2020, 05:04:58 PM

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Hi Everyone,

i wrote a simple curl Shell script that consumes a REST API from my Service i need to monitor.
The ccript is stored on my netxms server and executed as an ExternalParameter from the local netxms agent.
It returns JSON Data which i transform with nxsl to get the Information that i want. (This way i can reuse my CURL Script for diffrent APIs)

My Problem occures when the API returns more than 255 Characters (which it does most of the time).
The Datatype from the DCI is a String and apparently it can contain 255 Characters max. Everything longer gets cut off.

Is there a better way to monitor my REST API or am i limited to those 255 Chars?
I want to transform the Data with nxsl so i dont need a new shellscript for each diffrent API Parameter i want to monitor.
I think this is a common Monitoring Task, so i think i am just doing this wrong :D

Best Regards

Victor Kirhenshtein


DCI value length is limited to 255 characters. In your case you can use external parameter provider instead of external parameter, do JSON parsing in agent side script and output all parameters you are interested in as name = value. Then you'll be able to collect them by name as any other agent's parameters.

Best regards,