Logwatch: Count lines per minute & logrotate

Started by Ingmar, October 07, 2013, 07:18:11 PM

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I'd like to pull some statistics out of a logfile as it is being written to, for example "requests per minute". I know how to set up logwatch and create parsers to match error messages and get notifications for those, but this is a little different. What I want is the number of times a rule has matched and then set up a delta DCI so I can get requests per minute. Is this possible, and if so, how?

In addition I've been wondering what happens to the logwatch subagent when logrotate moves the file away. Will it reopen the new logfile?


Answering my own question: I found the LogWatch.Parser.MatchedRecords(*) DCI to get the number of matched records. Had to create a separate parser XML to get only the records that I want, as it's not possible to select by rule, only by file. Then I had to guess what the parameter for that DCI was - turns out it's the name of the first <file> tag in the parser definition. Then I just put a "Delta per Minute" transformation on the DCI and I get nice charts.

Is this documented anywhere? Because I couldn't find anything about that DCI other than in the source, and neither could Google. I often find myself poking around in NetXMS source (which is pleasantly clean by the way) because the documentation seems incomplete or outdated.