Logwatch - Environment Variables

Started by Tursiops, August 15, 2017, 06:16:24 AM

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Just wondering, do/shoulod environment variables work in a Logwatch parser definition?
I tried using %PROGRAMDATA% and the result was that the NetXMS Agent service would not start anymore. The moment I replaced that with C:\ProgramData everything just worked. As different Windows versions use different paths, using an environment variable would be preferable to creating a number of parsers (one for each possible file location)?


Victor Kirhenshtein


you can use time formats, environment variables, and shell commands for file name expansion in parsers. To insert environment variable, use macro ${name}. To insert result of shell command use form `command`. Time formats are the same as supported by strftime (http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/).

Best regards,