Network Discovery questions

Started by adimitrov, May 02, 2017, 05:42:06 PM

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Hello Team ,

I have a question for notwork discovery. I checked a lot of topics in the forum, but couldn't get my answers.
My server is 2.0.7 version and most of the agents are 2.1-M1 (the rest of them are 2.0.8 ).

1. Does the server tell all the agents to search for the subnets/addresses pointed in the network discovery configuration tab or the network discovery is working only for networks directly connected to the server. In short is the network discovery over agent supported ?
2. If Yes, can i tell to a specific agent to look for specific subnet/iprange with a specific snmp community (or indeed it will use only the default community).

3. Is there a way to manually start the network discovery or i depend on polling interval ?

4. If the discovery over agent is not supported, is there an easy way to add more than 200 nodes in netxms?

Best regards

Victor Kirhenshtein


1. Server can read ARP cache and routing table from agent and use it for passive network discovery. Active network discovery through agent is not supported.

2. Discovery itself (and filtering) occurs on server, agents just provide ARP and routing information.

3. No, discovery polls only run on schedule.

4. Depends on where you have information about those nodes and in what format. It could be easier to write simple nxshell script that will read information from external source and create nodes in the system.

Best regards,