netxms 3.0 issue: network map link bend points seem a bit broken

Started by normalcy, September 26, 2019, 05:52:33 AM

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Since upgrading to 3.0 I notice that network map link bend points seem to be a bit wonky.

If you insert or move a bend point the link label no longer closely follows the path of the link.  Instead it stays close to the original 'direct mode' path of the link before the bend point was inserted.  In 2.x it used to stay attached to the path.

Dragging bend points or adding removing sometimes seems to snap the link itself back to being direct mode although the bend point circles will stay in place.  This then flickers back and forth sometimes.

I found bend points useful to map diverse VPN paths between two locations and separate them enough to read the labels clearly.

I assume its a client console issue?  Although the two screenshots show two maps generated in the java console and web console so issue is common to both.

NXCM: 3.0.224
Server: 3.0.2292

Edit: created NX-1691