2.1 agent sys_node_minor

Started by MarcusH, July 17, 2017, 10:06:09 AM

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nodes that run 2.1 agent gets stuck with sys_node_minor for some reason, no events or alarms are active.
Not even forcing status calculation to fixed normal changes status.

any changes in 2.1 i might have missed?
Upgraded from 2.0.7


Something must have gone wrong in the upgrade since no alarms are shown at all, they trigger on the node but are not shown in any alarm browser.

Reverted to backup and tried again with some more log and it seems it has problem upgrading from version 410 to 411, the steps from 404 to 410 upgrades without error.
Had to delete data in one tdata table then upgrade succeeded.

It failed with:
[1m>>> [32;1mINSERT INTO tdata_1139 (item_id,tdata_timestamp,tdata_value) VALUES (?,?,?)[0m
SQL query failed ([Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error):
[33;1mINSERT INTO tdata_1139 (item_id,tdata_timestamp,tdata_value) VALUES (?,?,?)[0m
[1m>>> [32;1mDROP TABLE tdata_1139
[1m>>> [32;1mEXEC sp_rename 'tdata_temp_1139','tdata_1139'[0m

does not seem like alarms are shown still though



V2.1 introduced alarm categories. Please check the new system right 'View all alarm categories' for your user(s)



Wonderful, thanks alot had a feeling this was feature related so been looking around