
Started by lindeamon, November 11, 2012, 10:04:01 AM

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i want to start using policies.
what is the status of this feature ?
i have written 1 policy which enables watchdog and i wrote it like this:
EnableWatchdog = yes
i have installed it on 3 nodes with agents and for some reason the icon indicates the the status is unknown. why is that ? did i do anything wrong ?
i have checked the nodes and i saw the file in the config.. folder and even restarted the agents.


Victor Kirhenshtein


Status for policy object is irrelevant. It's a bug in the server that it remains unknown, it should be normal. But anyway it doesn't indicate anything.

Best regards,


Hi Victor,

is there a way to verify the policy ? that wrote it correctly ?

Best Regards,



You can check whether the policy was installed correctly by opening the file in the NetXMS\etc\nxagentd.conf.d folder on the side of the agent. You may need to restart the agent on the server before it is actually applied, though.

If there are errors in the policy, they will show up the agent's event log after the agent starts (on Windows, by default the system event log)

If you added new parameters or such, you can do a configuration poll on the node and see if they appear in the list of agent parameters.

As for reliability, I've been using policies for a month or two now, for Winperf counters, enabling log parsers and external parameters, and have had no real issues with them.

The only things I find lacking is that agents don't reload their configuration/restart automatically after installing policies, you can't move policies between policy groups yet, and that there's no policy for event logging yet.


thank you bdefloo.
i was already aware to some of the things you wrote and i appreciate the extra experience you have added.
i have already opened in the past a feature request to enable auto reloading of the agent when new policies or changes to them occure.