Problem with "Input fields"

Started by HansAnd, October 08, 2020, 01:08:16 PM

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I have used "object tools" to create a server script to do SnmpSet, and it works, then I want to add input by using "input fields". I have created Field1 that is a text type, Field2, text type and Field3 , also text type. How do I retrieve that values of the input fields into the script? I have tried using %(Field1) but it returns nothing.

Best regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein


you have to pass them as script arguments and then access them via $ARGS array. For example, you can create library script named "TestScript" as this:

trace(0, "field1 = " . $ARGS[1]);
trace(0, "field2 = " . $ARGS[2]);

and configure it in object tool as this:

TestScript("$(Field1)", "$(Field2)")

Best regards,

Filipp Sudanov

Actually it's a bit different - script params are now separated by space in this place (might change to brackets in the future at some point) and it's %(), not $(). So the syntax would be:

TestScript "%(Field1)" "%(Field2)"



after changing to the syntax Filipp described it works perfect, before that I got ( and , in the text argument in the script.
Is there a way to make a messagebox from the script so that I can show the result, if the SNMPSet went well or not?

Best regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein

You can mark option "tool generates output" in object tool configuration and use println in script for sending output back to client.

Best regards,