request for DCI alarm configuration support

Started by cserzs, September 13, 2016, 05:41:38 PM

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I would like to generate an alarm event when the string type results of an SNMP get polling process is become to a uniform series.


alarm generation after 5 same results:
SNMP GET 1. ,,sdffg" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 2. ,,dfgghf" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 3. ,,abab" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 3. ,,abab" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 4. ,,hujjklll" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 5. ,,wq" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 6. ,,wq" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 7. ,,wq" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 8. ,,wq" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 9. ,,wq" (alarm on)
SNMP GET 10. ,,wq" (alarm on)
SNMP GET 11. ,,wq" (alarm on)
SNMP GET 12. ,,wqq" (alarm off)
SNMP GET 13. ,,wqq" (alarm off)

How is possible to set a such alarm behaviour?

Thank you in advance and best regards.


Use a Script DCI, and create the script to walk the appropriate OID tree and return a different value when the series occurs from when it doesnt accur.

Then use a standard threshold to create threshold violation events.



Sorry but I don't understand exactly your suggestion.
In my previous example the SNMP GET 1., SNMP GET 2. etc. values are the results of a normal DCI scheduled polling. I would like to detect the presence of a specific number of same values between the successive DCI results.


Alex Kirhenshtein

In threshold configuration:
number of samples=5
function: diff
value: 0



Thank you very much for your reply. I already tested your suggested configuration but my experience is that the number of samples parameter in case of diff function doesn't affect anything. So, in each cases the alarm event come up after the second identical result independetly from the value of sample number parameter. My NetXMS version is v2.03.



Victor Kirhenshtein

Yes, currently diff threshold ignores number of samples. I can make a patch for this (and I'll include this change into next release).

Best regards,


Hi Victor,

Thank you very much for your support.
I am waiting for the new release.

BR, Zsolt