Netxms macro for instance??

Started by duanebutler, May 27, 2016, 09:20:16 AM

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Hi There

I want to include the instance in my e-mail notifications.  I use %6 but does not seem to work.

What is the correct macro for the instance?


Victor Kirhenshtein


for threshold violation event it is %6 (or %<instance>). Are you sure you generate email from event related to threshoold?

Best regards,


Hi Victor

For testing i only entered %6 in my e-mail alert.  And event is related to threshold.  I double checked.

What i have also noticed was that when i use the DC_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNING event and i use the alarm text in the e-mail (%A). It still does not include the instance in the mail.

Victor Kirhenshtein


do you have "instance" field actually filled for DCI (it is on "Thresholds" tab in DCI properties)?

Best regards,


Hi Victor

That was it.  I left out the instance in thresholds.  I initially thought that it would use the instance name in the parameter description.

But all is good now.

Thanx again for your speedy replies
