Telegram Issues

Started by jaba, February 17, 2023, 10:45:36 AM

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Is there any one have  an idea regarding Telegram notification setting up process. I tried by setting the debug ncd.telegram 7 but still the log saying driver is not initialized, please help me




Can you share with us the server version and the system / OS you are running the server on?
Also, it would be good to share the server log file section where it shows the driver initialization is failing.

Thank you


Thanks for your reply.

the server version I am using is windows 4.3.1

2023.02.17 14:10:39.660 *E* [ncd.telegram      ] Telegram API call failed, driver configuration could be incorrect
2023.02.17 14:10:39.660 *E* [nc                ] Unable to create instance of driver Telegram
2023.02.17 14:10:39.660 *D* [nc                ]    Configuration: AuthToken = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  

Thanks for your responses.


Here the notification channel config

Victor Kirhenshtein

Make sure you have debug level set to 6 for tag ncd.telegram, then look for messages with this tag that precedes line "Telegram API call failed, driver configuration could be incorrect" - there should be more information about failure reason.

Best regards,