Templates and "Sample count for average calculation"

Started by Tursiops, November 17, 2015, 11:30:38 PM

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I've setup a template to monitor some Windows Performance Counters for average disk sec/Write, sec/Read, etc.
Originally I stuffed that up and left the sample count at "0" which resulted in getting no data for those counters.
So after figuring that out, I changed the template to set the sample count to "2".

However this change does not get applied to any of the systems already assigned to the template.

New systems receive the correct sample count. Old ones do not.
Running a "Full" Configuration Poll doesn't help.
I have to remove the systems from the template (which also means removing the DCIs and any historic data) and then either manually re-assign them or run a configuration poll again so they are automatically re-added to the template. At that point the sample count is correct.

Not quite sure why the changed sample count doesn't automatically apply to systems already using the template?

Victor Kirhenshtein


seems to be a bug in template update. I'll fix it in 2.0 release.

Best regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein

If you build from sources, there is a patch attached.

Best regards,