Trap alarms under Unmanaged state of nodes

Started by cserzs, April 22, 2014, 10:55:21 PM

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I found that the trap messages generated by a node in unmanaged state results alarms in NetXMS system.
In case of DCI events the threshold alarms are blocked.
The unmanaged state of a node what means exactly?
Is it possible to achieve the full alarm muting using the unmanaged state?
My installed NetXMS version: 1.2.13

Thank you in advance and best regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein


Actually it's a flaw in trap processing logic - they should be ignored for unmanaged nodes. I've registered this as a bug.

Best regards,


Victor Wiebe

Interestingly, I would like to receive traps and show them as alarms for unmanaged nodes. Is there anyway to make this a toggle, such as "Allow Trap For Unmanaged Node"? Is there a way to stuff an Alarm in using an external script?

Victor Kirhenshtein


I've added new configuration parameter ProcessTrapsFromUnmanagedNodes (0 by default).

It is possible to create alarm from external script in two steps - first you send event using nxevent command line tool and then create alarm from that event as usual.

Best regards,