Best Practice to analyse event "SYS_THREAD_HANG"?

Started by Dani@M3T, April 14, 2015, 05:00:37 PM

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Sorry for necroing this topic, we have the same issue and just upgraded to 2.0.3 we are now able to use this AgentCache function.

On Source node, there is a script polling custom Services for values.
Without agent cache this would give 1 poll each second, with cache on it polls much more within one second.
But it does not save any data to DCI history, do "Origin" need to be "Push" and not "NetXMS agent" when AgentCache function is On?

Is this function the reason of SQLite requirment on agent and are there any agent side configuration needed (ie db location)?

Victor Kirhenshtein

No, origin need to be "NetXMS agent". Yes, this is the main reason why agent needs SQLite. Usually no additional configuration required, agent will create local database in reasonable location ($install_prefix/var/lib/netxms if built from sources, /var/lib/netxms if installed from deb package).
There is a bug in 2.0.3 (fixed in 2.0.4) that cached mode actually works only for servers listed as MasterServers in agent configuration.

Best regards,