Using a template with ExternalParameterShellExec

Started by aron, January 24, 2014, 05:51:25 PM

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We have a very interesting automation/management challenge. We have a requirement to pull out a value from a LDAP server. We have currently implemented as below;

ExternalParameterShellExec=LdapQuery(*):/home/access/ $1 $2 $3 $4

which in turn executes;

ldapsearch -P 2 -D Username -h $1 -w $2 -s sub "(objectclass=XXX)" -b "GUID=$3" -LL $4 | grep "$4" | sed "s/$4: //"

However it is deploying the DCI's to the nodes which I can not think of an effective way of doing. We would like a way of managing the TemplatedDCI and Thresholds globally but with local variables configured in the Node. The nodes are currently deployed in a template group which applies other DCI's. All the Nodes that the template is assigned against are networking equipment which can not run nxagentd. The volume of Nodes/DCI's that are needed to be created and maintained would make would make it infeasible to try and do manually.

The two approaches that I can think of doing this would be with a DCI like;
LdapQuery(GetCustomAttribute("ip"),GetCustomAttribute("user"),GetCustomAttribute("GUID"),GetCustomAttribute("value")) and having this run on the unit with the LdapQuery configuration set.

But this understandably it did not expect a nested function to be called.

Or alternatively run it as internal/Dummy and in the script get the CustomAttribute. However I am not sure of a way to call the LdapQuery function remotely.

Wondered if anyone else was aware of a different approach?



Victor Kirhenshtein


I see few possible solutions here.

1. Use dummy DCI, and in transformation script call AgentReadParameter to get LdapQuery from agent with required parameters.

2. If values of custom attributes not changing, you can embed them into DCI on template apply time using template macros. It could be something like


and in script library you can create script named LdapParameters like this:

return GetCustomAttribute($node, "ip") . "," . GetCustomAttribute($node, "user") . "," . GetCustomAttribute($node, "GUID") . "," . GetCustomAttribute($node, "value");

Best regards,



Thank you, have applied successfully with the AgentReadParameter. :)

