varbinds are displayed incorrectly

Started by lindeamon, May 05, 2017, 05:13:43 PM

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i use v2.0.8.
i have configured fortinet's core mib snmp traps and corresponding events.
i sent a test message which should have display the serial and sysname in varbinds 2,3.
in the trap monitor i see the correct data but on the event it is not.
i have tried checking the "never convert to hex" checkbox and no change.



want to update that when i use OID instead of position everything is displayed correctly

Victor Kirhenshtein


could you please show screenshot of trap and trap mapping configuration (with all sensitive information masked, I only interested in configuration and actual OIDs in the trap)?

Best regards,


hi victor,

attached are the files u requested.

Best Regards,


Hi lindeamon,

Not sure if I got that right, as I don't do a lot with SNMP traps, but it looks like the Trap OID you have in your mapping is not the same as the trap you are receiving?
Your mapping is for ., but the Trap OID is .
The event log seems to be referencing event [100057] (by ID, not by name - does that event still exist?), not fnTrapTest (with ID 100067)?



Hi Tursiops,

i will try to clarify. i have changed the events when i did the testings and i have posted the latest event to show the configuration in case i did something wrong.
i have screen shoot some events that i got to show what i get when i use POS and what i get when i use OID in the varbinds.
i have added a screenshot of the internal unmatched event to show that it displays the information correctly even though the event itself is configured the same i have configured mine.
i have found for ex. that configuring using POS in the traps related to my ibm tape library, it worked fine


Victor Kirhenshtein


what if you set positions to 2 and 3 instead of 1 and 2?

Best regards,


Hi Victor,

you have taught in the past that %1 is saved for the trap itself and that POS 1 is %2 and POS 2 is %3 and this what i did in the 1st place and got the wrong info as shown in the screenshots.
i have also tried to check the "never convert to hex" and this didn't help too.

this traps belong to fortinet core mib with snmpv2 traps if that helps.

Best Regards,



I've been doing some testing with an informational trap which one of our systems generates every few minutes.

My first real excursion into SNMP traps, but I can't get the parameter to be passed using varbinds either.
It does not matter if I use POS:1, POS:2 or POS:3 (for the first and only varbind in this trap) and "Never convert value to hex string" makes no difference.

Setting up a mapping by object ID works perfectly fine.



Hi Victor,

some thing happened along the way with varbind position.
i have upgraded one of my netxms to v2.1 and all my SNMP traps are showing incorrect data.
information of what suppose to be in POS:1, is incorrect.
my 1st post here talked about v2.0.8 but this system, if recall correctly, worked fine with v2.0.8
when i look at the snmp trap log, i see the varbinds in the right order as i expected. the alarm for some reason, takes the wrong value.
i do not wat to spend more time re-configuring all my snmp trap list

what can i do ?

Best Regards,

Victor Kirhenshtein


from description it seems like a bug. I'll try to reproduce it myself.

Best regards,


thank you very much, looking forward to solve this problem...

Victor Kirhenshtein


just fixed this bug in development branch. Fix will be included in 2.1.1 patch release.

Best regards,


Hi Victor,

as always, thank you very much for all the help and for this awesome software.

Best Regards,


Hi Victor,

can you please tell me when is this patch due ?
i get a lot of snmp traps which i can't understand.

Best Regards,