Get Status of node but disable alarms

Started by davidfs, March 01, 2022, 07:10:41 PM

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I'm trying to get all devices of my network classfied (switches, servers, but also phones, tablets, laptops, etc..), and I'd like to separate in two main categories, or profiles: The "critical" ones, which I want to be notified for any change, and the only "observed", which I only want to keep track of ip, mac address, dns name, but don't need to be notified at all.

The "crititcal" ones, have a fixed ip address, and the oberved have a dynamic ip assignment by dhcp. The dhcp is configured to keep dns name consistent.

I'd like to get advice about how to accomplish this with netxms. What options do I have?

If I'm not wrong, if I set a node in Unmanaged mode, it does not keep track of the ip changes, isn't it?

I'll manually classifiy the nodes into containers, and the critical and oberved are the 2 main containers inside "Infrastructure Services".


Victor Kirhenshtein


if nodes already classified into one of two containers, all you need to do is to change relevant rules in event processing policy to only trigger for nodes in "critical" container (just add that container as source filter in the rule).

Best regards,


Thanks Victor,
I've seen and applied new policies.
Netxms can be difficult at first, but i'ts worth to give it a chance.!!