Windows Performance counters returning 0

Started by MatthewDreher, September 29, 2016, 09:25:01 PM

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Had this working at one point, then it seemed to stop working.  I'm pulling the windows performance counters for requests per second from w3svc.  right now, the counters appear green, but all show 0.  Windows itself shows this to be incorrect.  Currently running version 2.06 server and a mix of 2.04 and 2.06 agents. 


Not sure if this applies to this particular counter, but as mentioned  on a previous post, I found that with quite a few performance counters (even some that do not say they are "averages"), I still have to configure the "Sample count" in the DCI to 2 to make them return useful data. Not sure if that will help in your case.


yeah, I saw that post.  Tried that, but still not getting any info 


I just set this up on an IIS server here and tested Active Requests and Requests / Sec.
Both are working for me. Tested using integer as well as floating point and there was no need for sample count.

We're still running 2.05 server and agents though.

Sorry, wish I could be of more help.

Victor Kirhenshtein


could you please show exact DCI configuration?

Best regards,


I attached a screenshot.  I had this issue both with 2.04 and 2.06 server and client. 


Was there some other info you needed me to get?