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Topics - gmonk63

General Support / MYSQL error
February 08, 2016, 10:17:01 PM
Having the following issue when trying to start netxmsd

[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.520] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool maintenance thread started
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.521] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool initialized
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.521] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool: handle 0xa9c2a8 acquired (call from config.cpp:321)
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.523] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool: handle 0xa9c2a8 released
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.524] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool: handle 0xa9cb08 acquired (call from config.cpp:167)
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.526] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool: handle 0xa9cb08 released
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.527] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool: handle 0xa9d320 acquired (call from config.cpp:214)
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.558] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool: handle 0xa9d320 released
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.558] [DEBUG] Server ID 2B5C7B7D455F2E6A
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.558] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool: handle 0xa9db38 acquired (call from config.cpp:321)
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.560] [DEBUG] Database Connection Pool: handle 0xa9db38 released
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.561] [DEBUG] DBLockStatus="ERROR"
[08-Feb-2016 13:13:46.561] [ERROR] Error initializing component locks table

im using mysql version 5.5.4
General Support / SQLite database issues
February 03, 2016, 01:28:59 AM
Are there any known issues with 2.0.1 and sqlite  ?  I constantly get "Your database  has format version -1 but server is compiled for version 392"   I have deleted the db and re initialzed it and also upgraded it and after I reboot  I get the same error  and have to do it all over

General Support / DCI question
January 22, 2016, 03:23:38 AM
Is it possible to setup a threshold based on multiple DCI values ?  So if I have four DCI's and I want to sum the values provided by all four and only trigger and alarm if the sum of those four DCI values is >= 50   


General Support / NXPUSH
January 20, 2016, 12:41:38 AM
Is it possible to cause a node to show as down from an external nxpush event ?   My reasoning for this is that we have lots of critical nodes that i would like to monitor less than the 60 sec interval for instance ping every 10 seconds or liess and I dont want to do this on the server because im sure decreasing the status interval to 10 seconds would cause the server to burst into flames  ;D ... but i would like to create a script that could do that and then send the results back to netxms say 0=ok  and 1=down     and have it create and alarm and just like it would if netxms was doing the ICMP requests..  I have experimented with nxpush and it seems i can only provide 0 - 4   from Warning to Critical but never a sys_node_down event

Feature Requests / Map and topology
January 13, 2016, 05:16:25 PM
Is it possible to add a feature where each device type is at its own layer on the world map and topology map so that when viewing you can select which devices you want to view.. Its gets pretty crowded when you have lots of devices which have lots of connected devices and you only want to see one type of device.. It would also be nice if you could right click on a node and select to either show in map or show in topology and it would take you to and pinpoint that device in either of those layouts

General Support / Trying to under stand polling
January 07, 2016, 06:09:30 PM
I have read and watch serveral videos and Im trying to wrap my head around netxms polling methods and how it determines if a node is up or down.  In 1.27 I noticed a status DCI which to my understanding was a basic ICMP check now in 2.0 I dont see that created so what is the process ?  does it depend on if the capabilites of the device ?   If it finds a device that doesnt have an agent or doesnt have snmp  does it continually try these methods when running checks in the future ?  and if a device does have snmp what method does it use to determin status both icmp and snmp or just snmp  .......sorry for long post   
General Support / Can Netxms Handle this
January 07, 2016, 01:08:52 AM
Is netxms capable of handling 2000+ monitord nodes ?   I have a dual 4 core server with 20gigs of ram and netxms seems to be choking  I constantly get down events of devices that are not down .. it seems its not handling this very well    What would be the suggested variables for such a setup ? Im using percona server for the db which is supposed to be a more optimized mysql replacment....

General Support / Server Configuration Variables
January 06, 2016, 04:55:48 PM
Did some of the configuration variables change ?

NumberOfStatusPollers    If you plan to monitor large number of hosts, increase this parameter from the default value to approximately 1/10 of host count.
NumberOfConfigurationPollers    If you plan to monitor large number of hosts, increase this parameter from the default value to approximately 1/20 of host count.

I no longer see these in the configuration and if things did change could you make a list of what changed or whats new ?
General Support / Cross Compile Help Please
December 18, 2015, 07:10:47 PM
Need help with this i am trying to cross compile just the agent for a device that uses an older kernel  with gcc version 4.2.1  and always have issues with  __sync_add_fetch_4  error and I know it is becuase of the older gcc version  is there any way around this ?  This device does not have snmp support which is why I would like to have an agent running on it ...

I have successfully compiled different programs for this devices but having issues on netxms agent

Feature Requests / Mqtt broker
November 23, 2015, 03:54:12 AM
maybe add support for mqtt in order to recieve sensor and other data easily with out having to compile nxevent etc for embedded devices..
General Support / MIB Import bug
November 20, 2015, 11:29:45 PM
Maybe a bug in mib import for 2.0  tried importing mib that  was successfull in 1.2.17 but never shows up in mib explorer on 2.0  it does compile without error but just never shows up in the tree
Hey guys,

I was looking into getting support for these devices added  but thought I would give a go at compiling the agent and was successfully able to install the agent/client  on the ERL I havent tried the ER PRO yet but I know it almost the same. My idea was throw one of these inexpensive boxes in each segment or remote location doing icmp checks or snmp checks and ship that info back to the server to allow the server to focus on more demanding tasks ...If any one has any thoughts on this as to why this may not be a good idea please let me know...

General Support / GPS
November 19, 2015, 09:19:20 AM
Quick question is the GPS tracking feature only supported for mobile devices ? Im not seeing any reference to GPS any where any any of the Manuals ... is it possible for  regular laptop with gps attached to update coordinates back to the server via the agent ?  If so I dont see any configuration params in the conf file ..

General Support / IP/Mac Address lookup
November 15, 2015, 08:01:08 PM
Is it possible to do IP and Mac address lookups vi nxshell or other command line tools.  I would like to be able to use a script to query where a particular mac address is connected with out having to log in using the client .  I didnt see any options listed in the nxadm  or in the nxshell api  but I could have over looked something.

General Support / SNMPV3
November 10, 2015, 01:45:38 AM
Has any one gotten V3 to work correctly ?   Ive tried both 1.2.17 and 2.0RC  and it seems to have issues in both versions .. Im querying a switch for and I can pull that same information using SNMPB client  no problems but every time i try netxms i have problems  is this a known problem

General Support / World Map
November 08, 2015, 08:59:56 AM
is it possible to change the icon and icon size of the world map nodes in 1.2.17 ?  It would be nice to be able to set these parameters since it can be unreadable if you have nodes that are in close proximity ... Also being able to right click and connect via ssh or web browser would be big help...  I looked in the docs and forum and couldnt find any info on this ...

General Support / External events
November 07, 2015, 12:37:18 AM
Question ... is there any way to get external events into netxms ? i already use graylog2 for syslog so iwould rather not set up another sysylog server ...for instance i use arpalert to monitor any unauthorized mac address or ip on the network and can execute a script based on those alerts so i would like to genrate an alert and send it to netxms for further processing ... is this possible
Feature Requests / OUI Vendor lookup
November 06, 2015, 12:46:32 AM
Could you add a oui lookup table or allow the user to download the IEE oui database and upload it to the server this way when macaddresses are discovered or when your looking for a particular mac address it will also show you the Vendor associated with the MAC ... As well as being able to generate a report based on vendor...  example if i want to find out how many Axis encoders I have in the system i could look that up based on the current snmp info that was gathered previously ......


P.S   This is by far the best NMS I have found compared to the previous if have tried    PandorasFMS, Zabbix , libreNMS ,and Nagios  Thanks for your hard work
General Support / SNMP Credentials
November 05, 2015, 10:13:11 PM
Why does the 2.0-RC2  Server Continue to send the public community string ?  I have configured  only one community string in the snmp credentials tab   but  the wire shark capture show the server sending out several requests that use public and then several requests with my custom community string which is causing a lot of problems since our switches willl no longer respond to snmp queries after so many failed attempts. I looked through the configs and folders and cannot find any where this is configured unless it is hardcoded into the software