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Topics - Egert143


What could cause the following behavior: Lets say i have Ubiquity ap added to NetXms and with template it gets dci-s to monitor. Under that template there is instance discovery for every connected station. Now when station gets disconnected for x amount of time, the instance dci values turn into unsupported. When station returns the dci monitoring continues but alerts for unsupported never dissapear. I checked manualy and oid is same in old and new discovery. Any way how to auto terminate them ?


When upgrading agents with NetXms, i get failed update when target machine is @ 100% cpu usage, even when trying multiple times. When i pause the app that is causing high load then agent upgrade works fine. What could cause this ?

General Support / Parsing webpage result
May 18, 2020, 12:44:41 PM

Is it possible to parse webpage output into dci result?

for example if webpage returned data like:{
  "cluster_name" : "test",
  "status" : "green",
  "timed_out" : false,
  "number_of_nodes" : 2,
  "number_of_data_nodes" : 2,
  "active_primary_shards" : 0,
  "active_shards" : 0,
  "relocating_shards" : 0,
  "initializing_shards" : 0,
  "unassigned_shards" : 0,
  "delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0,
  "number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
  "number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0,
  "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0,
  "active_shards_percent_as_number" : 100.0

how would i get "status = good" out of it ?
Feature Requests / World map layers
May 13, 2020, 02:49:12 PM

Would it be possible to implement layers to World Map? So different layers could show different nodes. Also would it be possible to add links between nodes and show them on world map?

General Support / Linux process monitoring
April 21, 2020, 12:21:08 PM

Linux(ubuntu server edition) beginner here, In short i wanted to test ELK Stack and Netxms to monitor its state. Got elk running but i cant figure it out, how to monitor linux "services".

i start them with commands:

sudo systemctl start nxagentd.service
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service
sudo systemctl start kibana.service
sudo systemctl start logstash.service
sudo service keepalived start

in NetXms i tryed adding: DCI System.ProcessCount("nxagentd.service") but it returns as unsupported.

Any hints? :)
General Support / Snmp Dci but with custom target
April 14, 2020, 12:28:01 PM

Is it possible to add Dci to node that polls snmp but from custom ip:port? I cant add that custom ip directly since i have multiple nat-ed devices behind it. And i also dont want to create different zone for each device. Bonus points if that custom ip:port could be defined in node custom parameters.
General Support / Bug: Image libary
April 09, 2020, 09:43:35 AM
Found a bug with image libary.

I uploaded new image, in libary it is showing ok. With template i auto assign icon to node, node gets image guid but not file name as it should, so on network map image cant load properly. When i try to manualy assign image to node, it cant with such image in selection.

General Support / World map loading time
April 09, 2020, 08:03:36 AM

When i open world map in management console, the node icons load in very slowly. Currently i have about 50 icons and it takes good 10 minutes to populate the map. What could cause this ?


Wanted to check if that is expected behavior or bug. Node has most dcis from snmp and for ping there is ICMP.ResponseTime.Last. What happens when node is offline, snmp shows << Error >> but ping keeps still logging results every poll and displaying last value. Should it also show error when ping is not working ? Also node status remains critical not down.

"use icmp as status" is checked
General Support / Updating alert message
March 17, 2020, 08:56:00 AM

Quick question: When threshold is reached and alert generated like "Threshold reached for item "DB Free space" (Threshold value: 500; Actual value: 499.562500)". Is it possible to update that alert message to see real "Actual value"?


Is Cisco C9200L-24P-4X switch supported by NetXMS? Currently testing one and seems like netxms cant read mac address table, just error "Switch forwading database unavailable".

Detected capabilities: isBridge, isCDP, isSNMP, hasEntityMIB, hasIfXTable,snmpVersion 2c.

Feature Requests / Node name lenght
March 06, 2020, 10:31:32 AM

Would it be possible to increase node name lenght? Currently its limited to 63. For example 100 would be good. :)

General Support / Agent upgrade fails
February 27, 2020, 09:20:25 AM

Where could i find information about failed package deployment. When new version came out, most of the agents upgraded fine, but 5 did not. I get error "File transfer failed" or "Unable to start upgrade process"

General Support / Logging console 'sh sta'
February 14, 2020, 07:18:03 PM

Is it possible to log statistics shown in console 'sh sta'? For example poll them via dci script?
General Support / Network map node placement
January 31, 2020, 12:17:00 PM

Not realy sure if its a bug or ment to be like so. Basicly when creating custom network map and drag/drop a new node into map it always ends up in top left cornern. When map gets bigger it is annoying to constantly have to scroll back up to find new node and drag it back to where ever it needs to go. It would be nice if node appears where it was dropped to.
General Support / cant get powershell script to run
January 11, 2020, 07:55:38 PM

i made a small powershell query to return oldest folder age in days. But i cant get it to run with netxms agent, i get error:
Process "powershell -Command "& SCRIPT"" killed because of execution timeout

Agent conf file:
MasterServers = ip
ConfigIncludeDir = C:\NetXMS\etc\nxagentd.conf.d
LogFile = C:\NetXMS\log\netxms-agent.log
FileStore = C:\NetXMS\var
SubAgent = winperf.nsm

ExternalParameter = Custom.Script:powershell -Command "& {Get-ChildItem 'path' | Where { $_.PSIsContainer } | Sort CreationTime | Select -First 1 | Foreach-Object {$dtdiff = (New-TimeSpan ($_.LastWriteTime) $(Get-Date))}; write-host $dtdiff.days}"


For some reason NetXms keeps discoverying and adding one specific node over and over. Node itself is Ubiquiti gen 2 nanobeam and not only one, i have multiple of them and it happens only with one node. So far i have tried to delete all instances of that ip but that did not help. All nodes will get auto added under same /24 network, only difference is id.

General Support / Netxms Agent - get oldest folder
January 08, 2020, 01:56:36 PM
How can i use NetXms agent "File.FolderCount" to get folders that are older than x ammount of time ? Is it possbile to specify time with "%{customAttribute:50}"? If not is it possbile to just get the date of oldest folder and then use "%{customAttribute:50}" in threshold ?


When using node custom attribute in threshold value i get wrong warning message.


Threshold value: %{dci-CpuTemperature:60}
dci-CpuTemperature = 61
event template message: High %2! Current: %4, Allowed: %3

Warning message: High Cpu Temperature! Current: 61, Allowed: %{dci-CpuTemperature:60}

How could i display proper value after "Allowed:" ?


I am having litle bit of trouble with template monitoring. With template auto apply rule device is added to template, for example wireless ap. Inside template there are few dcis, some for ap itself, some for ap clients. Problem is when some client disconnects its dci wil turn into unsupported and is automaticaly removad and once it connects again new dci is auto generated. That effectivly deletes all collected history and fills alarm windows with "status of dci xxx changed to unsupported". How could it be awoided, once dicovered keep it until user deletes?