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Messages - samy

General Support / WMI methods/StdRegProv
February 06, 2012, 08:37:47 PM
Hi there,

How can you work with a particular method that is available through WMI, for example.

Under the WMI tree of /root/default:StdRegProv is available, and it has methods such as GetBinaryValue.  In my case, the value i need would be under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion as Data under "DigitalProductId". How would you be able to construct a query using the WMIQuery feature in this type of situation ?

Secondary question is, would it be possible gather all variables under a particular set of data as oppose to being very picky and input the variable name?  In other words, as with sql queries, why can't i just say WMIQuery(/root/CIMv2,SELECT * from Win32_UserAccount) and parse data accordingly, as oppose to WMIQuery(/root/CIMv2,SELECT * from Win32_UserAccount, Name).  Is there an operator such as "ALL" or "*" for the the substitution of the NAME that can be used to a similar effect ?

I apologize if I am asking something that may be inherent in documentation but I haven't been able to locate it thus I figured I ask here.

Thank you so much Victor, I appreciate the response.
Hello Gang,

I hope of your here can provide an answer to my concern.  I have a netxms agent configured with SNMP Proxy mode on, but I don't see any tool set to request information from it ?

As of right now, my configuration is Server (configured with SNMP Proxy) and I want to reach a switch over the same network.  I poll all of the information using nxget, works very well.. but there is no tool-set like nxget that would enable me to connect via the server and request information from the switch ?

All your help is much appreciated.