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Topics - yordi

Does anyone knows what the attribute name is for the "System description" value of a node in de "General" page ?
I want to use it in a autobind rule for a  container : return $node->systemdiscription == "Canon iR-ADV 4735 /P";

Is there a list with all the attribute that can be used, and ho to use wildcards ?

i want to check ssl certificate expiration date of some websites. (nodes that i added in netxms)
in a post i have found to add a "externalparametershellexec"

ExternalParameterShellExec = HTTPS.CertificateExpireDate(*):echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -inform pem -noout -enddate | cut -d = -f 2

when i open de netxms agent (on windows pc version 2.2.17 ) and right click on a node "edit agent's configuration file" i get the error "The chosen operation is not enabled".
then this option got "grayed out".
i am logged in with a LDAP user member of the default "Admins" group with full access.

1:How do i accomplish this ? Netxms is running on linux server, and there is no update available.
2: Can I use a variable in this external command to replace "" with the node "primary host name" (is url)

so i can create a data collection configuration template for the container containing the url's to monitor the certificates expiration warning?
So for the node (website) i can see the expiration time of the ssl certificate, and use Thresholds to create a alarm when close to expiring or expired, and create a summary table.

General Support / Hex-String to text DCI transformation
December 18, 2019, 12:11:13 PM

With a DCI i get a Hex-string  "56 4E 42 51 44 39 4B 30 59 46"
Online i can let it translate to text ( ) , then i get "VNBQD9K0YF" This is a serial number of a printer.

Ho knows the Netxms scripting language to use in de transformation part of the DCI to get this Hex-string transformed to text in Netxms?

General Support / Use Primary IP in DCI table
November 18, 2019, 01:07:40 PM
I trey to put the Primary IP in de DCI table, so i can use it in summary tables.
I trey using DCI with internal and {primary_node_ip} but does not work.
also i trey the %a (works in objects tools).

So ho can the primary IP (that is visual in de overview) be added to the DCI values of the object ?

General Support / Get ifalias
November 06, 2017, 06:41:23 PM
I receive following example SNMP trap when an interface go in port security shutdown.
06.11.2017 16:15:16   .   . == '%LINK-W-PORT_SUSPENDED: Port gi6 suspended by port-security'; . == '1'
for this snmp trap i created a SNMP Trap Mapping with a event SNMP_PORT_LOCK --> create event processing policy -->  Alarm + send notification to Slack webhook.

So far everyting works fine.
Wat i try to do is add the interface alias (ifalias) in the message alarm and slack.
so that when the alarm is send , i know in human tekst the location / room number like i see when looking at the interface table of this node.

I think with some kind of tranformation script, using the string --> filter out the interface id --> example "gi6" , use this value to look up de ifalias and save it as extra variable .. .


Most projectors have these day a ethernet card,
but not all projectors support SNMP, but they all support the PLlink protocol. ( )

(read info, lamp and filter hours, start up en shutdown projectors, select video source ...)

Is this someting that netxms can do in de furture ? or is iet possible to use de pjlink dll in a script ?
General Support / MIB comiling nightmare (part 01)
November 01, 2017, 12:26:21 AM
First off, Netxms is a really great tool !
I use it for our school (32 Cisco SG300 series switches, 1 Catalys c2960 , )
but the power comes from DCI and thus MIB..
that last one is really problematic ...
i have literary try for hours to compile MIB for our Cisco SMB switchen (SG300 series ) and our UPS ..
after hours of trying, manual fix syntax error --> upload mib file to this site to test the syntax ..
At last i have deleted the mib files and the compiled one in de mibs folder (/usr/share/netxms/mibs)
just adding the MIB for the UPS (infosec) UPSmib.txt ,  not compiling needing SNMPv2-SMI.txt and RFC115-SMI.txt and RFC1682.txt ..
after searching on the internet found these but do not work .. pff
After testing the UPSmib.txt there was a problem with the "COMPANYMIB: ERROR 001: Import symbol "MODULE-IDENTITY" unresolved "
follow this website to trey the module-identity error.. fix some syntax but nothing helps ..
Try to Resolved this issue with adding the MODULE-IDENTITY but still this error .. adding the Cisco sg300 MIB errors ...
Who has expert skils to fix this ... or help me ?
Is there a way to download the correct MIB that are included in the Netxms distribution ? or how to restore de default MIB ?
i attached the MIB for Cisco SMB and UPS Infosec
Also i found this link of de MIB of Netxms but how do you download all this MIB ? without one by one opening an copy-past tot text file ??
Ho to convert MIB V1 or V2 to V3 so that Netxms accept it ?
i have the latest NETXMS server installed on Linux
Use management console on windows workstations and android.

The Cisco MIB zip file is not uploading ! error 413 here is my onedrive link to the file ! -->!Aj037gJtNd7Bpe0gaqkQuZqp2XsRMg
I use the wheezy beta
repository, upgraded to 2.0-RC1-2 but apt-get upgrade is NOT finding the 2.0-RC2

agent on windows pc = 2.0-RC2