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Topics - gkaudewitz

General Support / Server Crash after some time
October 08, 2015, 06:13:44 PM

my environment is Netxms 1.2.17 with mysql 5.6.25 on Opensuse 13.2.
Currently I have the problem that netxms crashes after some time if prepared statementbuffer of the database ist full. It seems that each time automatic Configurationpolling is done there is a constant amount of Statements prepared, that will not be processed and only bee cleared if Server is shut down.
Doing a databasecheck with your tool dose not Report any Errors.

Best regards

General Support / Request user input from nxsl
August 29, 2015, 03:30:27 PM
Hello together,

is there a possibility to request some userinput from a script? This input from a mask the user can fill within the GUI should be attached for example to the current node or container as CustomAttributes.

Best regards

General Support / Availabilty of only IP-Nodes
February 16, 2015, 05:29:04 PM
Hello everybody,
I have used NetXMS for monitoring networkcomponents via SNMP so far.
Now my silly question:
I have some components that do not talk SNMP for which monitoring is limited to its accessibility by ping. How can I configure this in NetXMS? I wouldn't like to maintain a crontab in Linux if possible.

Best regards

General Support / Alarmlog with relativ filter
February 11, 2014, 10:31:17 AM
Hello together,

viewing the Alarm log it is possible applying filters with absolute values like between data and date or after/before date.
Is there a possibility viewing alarms with a filter like last 8 or 24 hours or last week without defining the exact date.

Best regards

General Support / Insert Data to Mapping Tables
February 07, 2014, 01:33:52 PM

is it possible to insert bulk data from an excelsheet or csv-file to a mapping table?

Best regards

General Support / VLAN Interfaces on L2-Switches
April 22, 2013, 04:13:20 PM
Hello together,

is it possible preventing generation of VLAN-interfaces for L2-switches like Cat4500 that do not really have an IP-adress on the Switch?

When configuring the switch the first time it is possible putting these interfaces to "unmange" but when a new VLAN is added it is a lot of work putting this VLAN to "unmange" on all switches ...

Best regards

Having two installations of Netxms one for testing purposes (Netxms 1.2.5, Windows Server 2003, 32 bit) one that should go into production (Netxms 1.2.5, Windows Server 2003R2, 64bit) both updated from Netxms 1.2.4 there is different behavior in eventgeneration.
The problem occures when monitoring a node that is reachable and will get unreachable. Here are the events of the two systems.
Production system:
SYS_NODE_NORMAL -> SYS_NODE_UNREACHABLE -> (directly to) SYS_NODE_UNKNOWN -> (when node will be reconnected) SYS_NODE_UP -> SYS_IF_UP -> SYS_NODE_NORMAL

Test system:

The behavior at the testsystem is what I expect for monitoring. At the production system before upgrading to 1.2.5 I did not investigate events, but there I got an alarm too when the node was detached. Now with 1.2.5 on the production system this isn't the case.

Can anyone help me solving this problem?

Best regards

hello together,

is there a way to start a netxms script at the management console for a specific interface of a node where node and Interfacedata are passed to.
Somthing like Your builtin DCI-Creation for an interface a little bit more flexible and expandable e.g. generating a set set of DCIs for that interface or node controlled by a self written script.

Best regards


B.T.W.: Is there just a possibility to create a DCI with it's parameters via script?
Feature Requests / Templates for Interfaces
December 14, 2012, 10:45:18 AM
Hello together,

it would be great to add teplates not only to nodes but to interfaces too.
This with a new macro like %ifindex%.
You can create or remove a set of DCIs that collect data individually for an interface, because its not always necessary or possible to monitor all interfaces of a networkcomponent or collect data for it.

Best regards

Hello together,

is there a way to use attributes of the current DCI within a transformationscript?

For example getting the name-attribute and building out of this an oid with an value that was requested in an other DCI.

Best regards

Hello Victor,

a single DCI can be displayed as a chart in the object details Performance tab.

The only way to display combined charts of multiple DCIs from a component is to create a dashboardentry that will be configured seperatly.

It could be great to have same possibilities within the performance-tab of object details.
For example this will be usefull for a display of in- and out bits for one interface in one chart.

Best regards

Hello together,

a single DCI can be displayed as a chart in the object details Performance tab.
Is there a way to combine two or more DCIs in one chart of the performance tab.
Displaying the values of two or more DCIs in a history tab is possible.
An example could be the in and out octetvalues of an interface.

Best regards
