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Messages - Victor Kirhenshtein

Ochen' stranno. Ja proveril na svoem testovom NetWare 6.5 - vrode rabotaet. A kakaja versija NetWare?
Vrode ispravil. Poprobujte postavit' agenta iz prilozennogo arhiva.
General Support / Re: Error on database upgrade
March 16, 2010, 12:55:49 PM
Yes, you can use 1.0.0-rc2 - so far only few minor issues was reported, and most likely it will become 1.0.0 release with only minor fixes.

Best regards,
General Support / Re: Error on database upgrade
March 16, 2010, 11:25:58 AM

What database you are using? Also, when starting netxmsd after nxdbmgr -X, what is in netxmsd log?

Best regards,

Do you use FreeTDS ODBC driver for connecting to MS SQL server? It has known problem with UCS-2 encoding, which is used by NetXMS by default. Try to add the following line to your netxmsd.conf:

DBDrvParams = unicode=false

Best regards,

I've fixed that. You can try to install 1.1.0-rc11 -

Best regards,
Yes, it will work under WINE.
Общие вопросы / Re: Linux GUI
March 10, 2010, 10:22:17 PM
GUI pod Linux poka net. Mi sejchas pishem novij portabel'nij GUI (ja cherez neskol'ko dnej vilozu preview), no projdet nekotoroe vremja, poka pojavjatsja vse funkcii starogo GUI. Nineshnij GUI napisan pod Windows s ispol'zovaniem MFC, tak chto sportit' ego vrjad-li udastsja. On rabotaet pod WINE, no eto konechno ne sovsem to.
A parametr Disk.Total(D:) sobiraetsja?
There are currently no management console for Linux. We are working on new portable management console (I'll publish a preview in a few days), but it will take some time until all functionality of existing Widnows console will be implemented.

Best regards,
Feature Requests / Re: Some new things
March 10, 2010, 10:14:29 PM

Quote from: jdl on March 10, 2010, 07:19:21 PM
- When creating a node, reverse lookup would be interesting. Sometimes one knows the IP but not the FQDN. If you enter an IP @ and push "resolve" you get IP @ of localhost (the one running the console) and no name.

Currently, you can enter IP address as node name, press "Resolve" to fill IP address field with same value. If node has IP address as it's name, it will be resolved via DNS or agent at first configuration poll. But yes, reverse lookup in dialog could be useful.

Quote from: jdl on March 10, 2010, 07:19:21 PM
- when defining a new event processing rule, we hav eto close the window to get asked if we want to save the story. Would be nice to have a drop down menu with options (like duplicate rule, etc...) among which "save" to save the current config if relevant (if no change then greyed out ;-)

You can use main menu Policy -> Save policy or just press Ctrl+S.

Best regards,
General Support / Re: Action to return value
March 10, 2010, 09:53:45 AM

In NXSL, you can use any integer value as boolean, where 0 means false and any-non-zero value means true. So, you can use errorCount attribute as boolean flag if you wish, like below:

if (dci->errorCount)
    // Processing if error
   // Processing if OK

You can also apply boolean logic operations to integer values, for example:

if (!dci->errorCount)
   // Processing if there are no errors

Best regards,
General Support / Re: NXML Script
March 09, 2010, 10:52:09 PM

I'll post updated NetXMS User Manual in a few days - it will have chapter about NXSL programming.

Best regards,
A kak vigljadit parametr Disk.Total i chto propisano v pole "instance" dlja parametra so skriptom? Problema pohoze v tom, chto formiruetsja nepravil'noe imja parametra, i FindDCIByName vozvraschaet NULL.
Announcements / NetXMS 1.0.0-rc2 released
March 08, 2010, 01:53:36 PM
Hi all!

Vesrion 1.0.0-rc2 is out. It fixes some build problems found in rc1, and adds possibility to search objects by comments in Windows console.

Best regards,