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Messages - Tatjana Dubrovica

It was not possible to reproduce for me.
Please run server in debug mode on a level 6 and check what is in log.

Thank you!
Tatjana Dubrovica

Bug created:

Thank you!
Tatjana Dubrovica
Практически тот же анонс, только описанный в документации: . Особенно то и добавить нечего. Если будут вопросы - задавайте.
Конфигурация делается с помощью config параметров:

SMTPFromAddr    An address used for sending mail from.   
SMTPFromName    A name used for sending mail.   
SMTPPort            TCP port for SMTP server.   
SMTPRetryCount    Number of retries for sending mail.   
SMTPServer    An SMTP server used for sending mail.
Доброго времени суток!

Про документацию на русском языке не слышала.
Нашла вот такие ссылки, которые могут оказаться полезными:

Создание простого "dashdoard" можно посмотреть здесь:

Установка web интерфейса:

может ли сервер сам инициировать установку агента (имея доступ к у/з администратора):
Агента нужно устанавливать вручную, удалённо можно только делать обновления, подправлять конфигурационный файл. (
Announcements / Re: NetXMS 1.2.14 released
May 19, 2014, 06:29:50 PM
Useful details about Bug #556.

Added possibility to add configurable db query in dbquery subagent:
This query will be shown in agent supported parameters as name(*).
Parameters for the binding should be given like name(param1, param2...)

Also added possibility to execute by request background queries defined like:
By default this qyery is executed in background and it's last successful execution result can be retrieved by DB.QueryResult(name). Now it is also possible to execute query by dci poll request. This query will be shown in agent supported parameters as name.
!!!If query is too heavy - request can result with time-out. So for time consuming sql requests it's recommended to use background sql execution.!!!
General Support / Re: CPU monitoring
May 08, 2014, 05:11:30 PM

Information about creating dashboards can be found there:

In video is shown how to add "Line Chart". Most probably You want "Gauge" element.

Создан feature requests:

Думаю в переносе поста нету необходимости.
DCI Image, DCI container and DCI data on a links will be released in next NetXMS release: 1.2.14

So best way is just to wait till next release.

Thank you.
Documentation is changed but slowly. There is always more implemented then documented.

If You have found big mismatches I'll be glad to fix them. Any help is always welcomed.

There is also old wiki. Not all things from there are moved to a new document. Maybe it will be also helpful for you:

If there are some questions ask them on forum.

Thank you.
Добрый день,

В данный момент загрузка конфигурационных файлов на сервер не перенесена со старой консоли в новую(Java консоль).

Policies отчасти подходят. Оснавной конфигурационный файл обязательно должен присудствовать. В нём должен быть адрес основновного сервера, всё остальное можно настроить в policies.
Feature Requests / Re: Mixed Network Map modes
April 02, 2014, 08:20:16 PM

Manually added elements on automatic maps will be included in netXMS 1.2.14 release.

Thank you

You can run nxagentd with -c <file> parameter: Use configuration file <file>.

nxagentd -c /etc/default/netxms-agent/nxagentd.conf
General Support / Re: Certificate Authentication
February 27, 2014, 08:10:37 PM
Certificate authentication is included in java console since 1.2.11.
Still not included in Web-UI. Certificate can be added through the web, but login is still only with password.

Information about certificate configuration can be found there:
General Support / Re: Certificate / 2-way SSL setup
February 27, 2014, 08:09:57 PM
Certificate authentication is included in java console since 1.2.11.
Still not included in Web-UI. Certificate can be added through the web, but login is still only with password.

Information about certificate configuration can be found there: