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Messages - Abraxas

General Support / User bandwidth per interval
July 24, 2019, 05:30:56 PM

I am trying to find a way to monitor the used bandwidth for several devices (how much IN and OUT data has been used over time). I would like to see the bandwidth used per day/week/month, one one or if possible multiple interfaces of the device.
We have some usage limitations on certain devices, and i need to make sure we don't use more than allocated.

Is there a way to get this configured?

Thank you,

I am looking for a way to generate alarms when the values of a monitored resource drop below certain values compared to what is expected at that time.
To be more precise: I am monitoring the number of sessions on a server (or the bandwidth usage on an interface). The volume fluctuates during the day, being way lower during the nights, but it repeats daily in about the same shape (like a sinus graph).
I would like to raise an alarm if the values drop below a certain value normal for that time of day (like if normally the lowest value at night is 400, to raise an alarm when it drops below 250 or something like this; while during the day is should drop below let's say 2000).

The only way I see this doable so far is by creating 1 data collection with custom schedule that runs once or a few times in each interval I want to set a stable threshold. This is not elegant and neither easy to scale/maintain, so I was hoping you guys have a better way to handle this...

Awesome! It works :D

Thanks a lot for the help!
If I set the driver to websms it loads ok:
[25-Nov-2016 10:04:24.787] [DEBUG] WebSMS: driver loaded
[25-Nov-2016 10:04:24.800] [DEBUG] cURL version: libcurl/7.26.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1e zlib/1.2.7 libidn/1.25 libssh2/1.4.2 librtmp/2.3

But when I switch back to text2reach I still get the error:
[25-Nov-2016 10:06:13.134] [ERROR] Unable to load module "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/netxms/smsdrv/text2reach.sms": /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/netxms/smsdrv/text2reach.sms: undefined symbol: curl_easy_perform

Thanks for the prompt reply!

I had libcurl3 installed, and when I saw the error I tried to install also libcurl3-dbg, libcurl3-gnutls and libcurl3-nss.
That's awesome!

I upgraded to 2.0.6, but I have some problems with the driver.
If I configure only text2reach.sms as SMS driver it says it can't find the module, so I entered the full path:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/netxms/smsdrv/text2reach.sms
Now when starting the server I get:
[ERROR] Unable to load module "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/netxms/smsdrv/text2reach.sms": /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/netxms/smsdrv/text2reach.sms: undefined symbol: curl_easy_perform



I would love to use the SMS feature of NetXMS, but as far as I can see the web driver works only with, and they only have a russion version of the site.
Is there any otehr provider this driver works with (one that has an english site hopefully)?

General Support / Re: Line charts are empty
June 23, 2014, 12:53:50 PM
Timezone of my machine got somehow changed, and things look good after fixing that.
Thanks for the help!
General Support / Line charts are empty
June 19, 2014, 01:05:05 PM

I recently installed NetXMS. I configured the DCIs for 2 hosts, and they seem to be gathering data correctly (I see the values in history). When I try to generate Line Charts with them though, the charts are empty. I attached a few screenshots with what I get.
Am I missing something?

Thank you!