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Messages - curruscanis

Is there anyway to run an Windows agent side script from a dashboard?  I would like to have the capacity to run scripts from a dashboard to do various functions on our servers so that I don't have to remote into them just to do a simple task.

the only method I have seen to launch an agent side script is via an event processing policy, but I don't see any way an event can be called from a dashboard to be enacted.

Thank you.
Hello all, I wanted to share how I have been fixing my DCI collection errors.  First, I am using a CentOS based linux server as a NetXMS host, so your commands may be a little different for your OS.

NETXMS DCI Database repair steps:

If DCI errors are reported in Graph Elements perform the following steps from the command line of the NetXMS linux server:

service netxmsd stop
mysqlcheck --auto-repair netxms -u root –p
nxdbmgr check
service netxmsd start

Graph Elements should now populate after a few polls.
General Support / Re: DCI Database errors
September 26, 2015, 01:07:46 AM
I did the following after shutting down the NetXMS service:

mysqlcheck --auto-repair netxms -u root -p

Many entries were repaired...

started the NetXMS service:

the node with failures now allows charts... however they are blank for now, which I suppose should be expected.

General Support / Re: DCI Database errors
September 26, 2015, 12:57:32 AM
I have done the following attempt to repair:

[root@netxms ~]# nxdbmgr check
NetXMS Database Manager Version 2.0-M5 Build 8027

Checking database (excluding collected data):
Database is locked by server [netxms Linux Release 2.6.32-504.23.4.el6.x86_64]
Do you wish to force database unlock? (Y/N) y
Database lock removed
* Checking zone objects...                                            [PASSED]
* Checking node objects...                                            [PASSED]
* Checking interface objects...                                       [PASSED]
* Checking network service objects...                                 [PASSED]
* Checking cluster objects...                                         [PASSED]
* Checking template to node mapping...                                [PASSED]
* Checking object properties...                                       [PASSED]
* Checking event processing policy...                                 [PASSED]
* Checking network map links...                                       [PASSED]
* Checking data tables...                                             [PASSED]
Database doesn't contain any errors
Database check completed
[root@netxms ~]#
General Support / Re: DCI Database errors
September 26, 2015, 12:43:15 AM
I do  I have many entries with "SQL query failed"...
General Support / DCI Database errors
September 21, 2015, 07:36:42 PM
I have a node with a DCI issue.

I am getting the error:

'Read DCI data from server' has encountered a problem.  Cannot get data for DCI "Node Name":[1464]: database failure

I noticed this as the data from the node was displaying on a dashboard and now just shows "Cannot get DCI Value..."

I have run a database check and all passed, I have deleted and recreated the DCI collection items with no success.

Please let me know what I can do to troubleshoot this.

Thank you.

Thank you Victor, I will give that a try.  It is easier than setting up different alerts and actions for each email address.

Thank you Alex, that is what I came up with too.  I was hoping there was a way to alter a given rule in the event processing that would do both.  If I have to create a new rule for each container that has a different person responsible it will eventually be a lot of redundant rules with the only difference being the email destination.

I have emails setup to email a user upon all critical alerts and resolution of given alerts.  Is there is method to email an additional user only for nodes within a container? 

Thank you for your assistance!
Feature Requests / Client Web Access Window
July 06, 2015, 05:02:50 PM
Is it possible to alter the primary view within the Web Admin for users with only read permissions to a given container subset to not have the top tool bar and all the associated configuration options.  With read permissions they can't really do anything but it woudl be nice if it wasn't there.

This is for roll out of a Client View for our monitored devices.  I would like to make it as simple and clean for them as  possible.

Also, containers on Dashboards would be nice.

Thank you, and great software!!
I didn't do anything... but I checked back on it a day later and it was working...
Can someone give me an example of a transform script that pulls a value from a DCI table into a variable?
I have upgraded my CentOS system running  V2.0-M4 to  V2.0-M5.

I installed the new web interface .war file and restarted my tomcat service.

However now when I attempt to access the web interface I get a HTTP error 403 page as shown here:
HTTP Status 403 -

type Status report


description Access to the specified resource has been forbidden.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.62

Is this a bug, or did I do something wrong?
Thank you tomaskir, I replaced "FindDCIByName" with "FindDCIByDescription" and that did the trick.

General Support / SNMP free memory transform script
July 01, 2015, 07:15:08 PM
I have been working on a SNMP Free memory % transform script and I have found few examples that I can't get to work and I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

I have created a DCI parameter for total memory for the device, and another DCI for the free % transform as shown here.
memTotalReal, OID parameter - .
Memory Free %, OID parameter - .

I get the correct value for the Total Memory DCI, and on the second DCI for free % I apply this transform script:

sub main()
   total = GetDCIValue($node, FindDCIByName($node, "memTotalReal"));
   return $1 / total * 100;

However, I only get the value of the DCI SNMP poll as if I didn't do any tranform.  So it does not seem to be returning the correct value.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

netxms 2.0M4