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Messages - radw

Good morning, I also found that I received an alarm in the device that the data type is unsupported:

Please, I really need some help or support with this issue.

Good Morning NetXMS Community

Im starting  with SNMP Tables, however, I have find two issues:

1) I need to create a table that has two indexes: callActiveSetupTime (TimeStamp) and callActiveIndex (Integer):

However, following the guide ( and using the base OID callActiveSetupTime, I dont get any data:

Could be related with this thread (, where it seems that NetXMS not support TimeStamps/Timeticks yet ?

2) I also replicate the SNMP Table from the guide, and I obtain the values. however when I put the pointer in one value, suddenly changes to a chain named <b><span...:


Quote from: Dani@M3T on April 20, 2016, 10:04:57 PM
I renamed the .war-file to 'ROOT.war', so I reach the web-interface under 'https://servername' without '/nxmc'

Hello, yesterday I also tried it but didnt work. However thanks for the advice :)
I also found why was giving me "connection refused" because the message given by apt-get install "NetXMS server is installed but currently stopped". I needed to follow those steps:

1. Edit default configuration file (/etc/netxmsd.conf): In my case , I use MySQL

2. Load database schema (replace DBTYPE with proper name), and the db configuration guide (

        nxdbmgr init /usr/share/netxms/sql/dbinit_mysql.sql

3) Restart  netxmsd service : With /etc/init.d/netxmsd restart (I dont know why in Debian service netxmsd restart didnt work)

 I just found my error, in the line 18 of /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml, there was the field  <tomcat-users> already declared between two commentaries. I didnt see it and i wrote the  <tomcat-users> </tomcat-users> at the end of the file.

I changed the nxmc-2.0.3.war to nxmc.war and I deployed it via the the http://IP-ADD:8080/manager. The GUI appear in http://IP-ADD:8080/nxmc/nxmc. In this moment is giving "connecting refusing", but Im going to search what's happening.
Quote from: KjellO on April 20, 2016, 10:45:21 AM
Try "ip:8080/nxmc-2.0.3/" or rename nxmc-2.0.3.war to nxmc.war
The rename option is probably preferred, to keep URL consistent when upgrading to newer releases.

I tried both options and neither worked.

Also, I was reading this thread relating the tomcat configuration (, but neither the tomcat give me access to the manager , even configuring the /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml file in different ways that I foound in message boards across google. (This is my last /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml file configuration):


<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<user username="admin" password="password" roles="admin-gui"/>

<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user username="admin" password="password" roles="manager-gui"/>

Good Evening NetXMS Support Team, I kindly ask your advice or support regarding the described issue.

Im installing NetXMS in a Debian8 system following the installation guide (, however, when I want to install the Web Management Console with Tomcat7 (using the  nxmc-2.0.3.war in the folder /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps, I get in my web browser "HTTP 404 - /nxmc" error when I type "ip:8080/nxmc".

However, if i only type "ip:8080" I get the tomcat message "It works !"
