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Messages - TICK_TEL

Thank you. That's worked a treat.
General Support / Monitoring FTP?
April 03, 2019, 04:24:09 PM

I was looking at trying to monitor an FTP. Basically I want to be able to create a poll on a node that'll connect to an external FTP server with credentials and then basically give a value of 1 or 0 depending if it can connect or not.

Anyone set anything like this up?

I'm just spent several days setting up NetXMS exactly how we want it. I got locked out of NetXMS so decided to restart the NetXMS Core service. Upon restarting this, it appears the Windows Template has changed back to the default....! This has then updated all of the nodes with the standard/default template. Surely the templates are stored in the database so these shouldn't change when the service is restarted?!?!

Could someone shed some light on this please and how we can go about backing this up....
General Support / Re: Disk space free? Volume...
March 27, 2019, 12:54:33 PM
So I've added Disk Space to the windows template and only monitoring C:\ But im getting duping for some reasons this appears twice on the last values page and 3 times in data config.
General Support / Disk space free? Volume...
March 26, 2019, 06:04:05 PM

I am using the agent to monitor disk space on a few windows boxes. It's pulling in a drive called Volume. I'm not sure what this is I only want 'NORMAL' windows drives such as C:\ D:\ E:\ G:\ to be pulled in. Is there anyway to exclude the volume drives from the Windows Template?

See screenshot attached.

Also I've setup a generic email for LOW and NO DISK SPACE is it possible to have the node name in this email? If so what shortcode do I use to include this? It would just save creating multiple emails/actions for each node?
So looks like I'm right. The current_state changes to 1 when the threshold in fire_value is hit or less than.

Any ideas how I can join from the Threshold table to Nodes?
What exactly does this mean? Anyway to avoid overwriting it?
'This DCI was added by instance discovery, all local changes can be overwritten at any moment'
Hi all.

I was looking for the threshold column in the database (OK or an Error). I know the table 'thresoholds' exists in the NetXMS database but I'm not sure if this is what I need?

I can see the column current_state is in there which I what I presume either means Ok when 0 and error when 1.

Can someone confirm for me please?
General Support / False Positives?
October 12, 2018, 05:42:31 PM

We're using NetXMS to secondary monitor one of our SQL servers. The server is monitored also by Redgate. For some reason we're receiving email alerts for High CPU, but upon checking Redgate and NetXMS it isn't that high at all.

It looks like from NetXMS the threshold is set to; Last(2) > 90

Any ideas? I was to late to check the graphs, but I did hop onto Redgate and was literally nothing being used of the CPU!

False positives or bad setup?
Hi Victor,

Thanks for the response but I'm already running NetXMS Agent 2.2.6 on the node.
General Support / Incorrect Physical Memory Value
June 14, 2018, 03:59:37 PM

I'm using NetXMS 2.2.1 9502.

I'm monitoring a Windows Server 2016 box but it appears the Free Physical Memory Value is incorrect.

It's showing me; 46.7M free
When I log onto the box I can see within Windows 4.4GB is available of the RAM.

Any ideas?

I am currently trying to monitor both a Terminal Server and Domain Controller. I have the Terminal Server added as a node using the hostname which uses port 4701 (translates to 4700). I've then also tried to add the Domain Controller which sits on the same network using the hostname and IP which uses port 4702 and translates to 4700 but I get the error;

'Create new node' has encountered a problem.

Cannot create node object "DC1": IP conflict with node TS1

Any ideas on how I can resolve this or get around it?
General Support / Changing Free/Used Space to GB
April 24, 2018, 11:28:24 AM

I am currently using NetXMS for monitoring space on the servers I use. I was wondering if its possible to change the Free/Used Sapce to show the value in GB rather than a percentage?

I noticed in instance discovery it has this (no idea what it does or if its useful)
type = AgentReadParameter($node, "FileSystem.Type(" . $1 . ")");
if ((type == null) || (type == "") || (type == "CDFS"))    
   return false;
return true;
